so much pain!
when oh when will it stop! I had my tt and ba on april 19. doctor gave me the pain pump and also percocet...which were lovely! But now that those things have run out, I am in so much pain. Especially my breasts, he did quite a bit of liposuction around that area as well.
Emotionally, Im exhausted from feeling so horrible. I guess I'm just looking for some moral support and some reassurance that eventually, I'll be okay again?
Emotionally, Im exhausted from feeling so horrible. I guess I'm just looking for some moral support and some reassurance that eventually, I'll be okay again?
Have you talked to your surgeon??? Ask for more pain meds
It will get better, it's a very long process. I didn't have lipo in the breast area but did in my mons and that was painful, so I can't imagine it in the breast area. I'm almost 4 months out from my TT and BA and I believe I'm still healing, but the pain is gone. You will be okay, but I'd call the surgeon and let them know what's going on. Good luck!
It will get better, it's a very long process. I didn't have lipo in the breast area but did in my mons and that was painful, so I can't imagine it in the breast area. I'm almost 4 months out from my TT and BA and I believe I'm still healing, but the pain is gone. You will be okay, but I'd call the surgeon and let them know what's going on. Good luck!
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap! she's up!
No, you tell them that your pain is not controlled. Even if you WERE a junky, the pain is real and needs to be treated. There are also red flags that they look for (like if you called requesting specific drugs in specific dosages). All lthey need to know is that your pain is not controlled with what they've given you. You are not being a baby; you had major surgery. Go get the help you need!
you are so kind..and thank you....I've spent my whole day in tears feeling like such a failure...and so much in pain. Your note made me feel human. Thank you. You really cant know how much that means to me....I would love to "friend you" but I'm so lame, I don't know how. Can you send me a friend request so I can add you as a friend.
Thank you....Thank you so much. truly....
Thank you....Thank you so much. truly....
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 5/9/11 5:42 am
on 5/9/11 5:42 am
I sort of understand that worry, since years ago they always acted suspicious of me when I had kidney stones. No real evidence, and usually nothing visible on the X-ray, and I'm just screaming for drugs.
But- that should be the least of your worries. I mean, you DID just have surgery, so it should be pretty easy for them to sort out the drug seekers from you. Surgery is unpleasant, and there is no reason for it to be even worse than necessary. No, your not a baby, and who cares what they think anyway. If they are giving you pain meds, and you are still miserable, ask for a different one. They don't all work on everyone the same. I personally prefer dilaudid for bad pain, and the codeine types make me nauseous.
Being in such pain will slow your healing.
But- that should be the least of your worries. I mean, you DID just have surgery, so it should be pretty easy for them to sort out the drug seekers from you. Surgery is unpleasant, and there is no reason for it to be even worse than necessary. No, your not a baby, and who cares what they think anyway. If they are giving you pain meds, and you are still miserable, ask for a different one. They don't all work on everyone the same. I personally prefer dilaudid for bad pain, and the codeine types make me nauseous.
Being in such pain will slow your healing.