Liposuction sucked 4 me.
Too late, you just did! And you are way off base in saying that. There's obviously a lot about obesity that you don't understand . Very similar to not understanding the procedures you chose to have done.

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
Laura in Texas
53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)
RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis
brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco
"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."
I viewed your pictures and I can understand your sorrow...YES, what THAT surgeon did to you was an act of nothing but show me the money and NO concern and copassion for HIS PATIENTS...He should have been a TRUE Surgeon that is there to help his patients, (NO MATTER WHAT THE PATIENT WANTS, IF THE PATIENT IS WANTING SOMETHING THAT IS APPARENT AND "DOES NOT NEED TO BE DONE..!!))...He should have told you "NO" that he would NOT do the LIPO foR, YOU DID NOT NEED IT..!!!!
ALL that being said, WE all have to be held accountable for OUR OWN actions, as well...I say this because I wonder what YOU would have done IF HE HAD said NO...Would you have taken the NO advice, or would you have seeked out another surgeon, UNTIL... you found one that would have listened to your demands...THEY are out there in more numbers than we all realize.AND CARE TO ADMIT....I see story after story, of women and men just like you that CHOSE a surgeon that was willing to ROLL the dice with his patients and HOPE that "IT" works out "ONE MORE TIME..!!"
Have you sought help with dealing with all your emotions..?? If not, Maybe it would be a good idea to do so...I hope your post makes more and more realize they (including Me) have GOT TO research their surgeon and ask questions and demand to see before and after photos of his/her patients...and ask the Surgeon and people YOU TRUST, (FRIENDS/FAMILY) WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT HOW YOU LOOK BEFORE..DO YOU REALLY NEED THE SURGERY OR IS IT JUST A BODY IMAGE "YOU" THINK NEEDS TO BE CHANGED..??
The surgeons who did my lift are supposedly excellent at doing this They hold seminars with all the hot shot plastic surgeons. However they overlooked some of my snowflake aspects or had a bad day or there were just too many cooks in the operating room. Who knows ? They probably learned or should have a lot about what not to overlook when body lifting from their experience with me. We all learn from mistakes. I hope I get better I'm certainly trying to. I'm not over yet, things keep changing as I stretch out the too little amount of skin left to serve as my pelvic slope and groin. It's a real slow and painful process and hard to get help cuz other doctors don't get to deal with these new plastic surgery contrived abberations. They are dealing with real people who didn't pay to have problems they are having. Sick children and the like. It's a dead end street no respect of course. So embarrasing but still I have horrible nerve pain so I'm starting up again seeking help. I did have some luck lately with a chiropractor who sent me to a neurosurgeon and radiologist who after several exrays and cat scan reviews say my spine is the same as always. Some other doctors said that the spinal fusion I had in 1984 came apart and I need to be refused but they were wrong as it turns out. The new tests I had prove it. Problem is not having enough connective tissue is forcing my femor and pelvic bones to go in the opposite direction than they should go. The chiropractor thinks he can help me with therapies he has available that aid healing and sooth nerves. I'm all excited.
Sometimes when surgeons are too good they might just try out some wacky exoeriment thing and because they have such a good reputation and high standing your left in the dust if it's tried on you and it fails. Only very rich people or people who have a strong medical support network should consider LBLS.
Fat should never be removed from the actual buttock and I never wanted this at all.
Poor woman, it's so shocking to pay to be ruined like that in an hour's time. tell your PS to tell her to visit me on this site ie. if they still let me come here after all the hoopla from people who want me off of here after today. Maybe we can start a awful PS anonymous group. I'd be 4 that. are NOT educating anyone. You are simply showing all of us how crazy you are. As far as your little comment about peole who had WLS....EFF you! I feel bad for your spouse who has to look at your ugly ass!!