Liposuction sucked 4 me.

Laura in Texas
on 4/20/11 12:33 pm
 Yep.  I can't see the profile either.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 4/20/11 8:09 pm
Yep, we are both incorrect.  I had my whole profile set to private and no one (not even friends)could see my pictures.  I forgot I did that the other day when I ws in big hurry.  Duh!  I think I've opened up my before and after lipo picture batch.  I'm sorry I got every one all worked up ...I made it too hard to get to the pictures.  How frustrating that musta been. 
aka Leech
on 4/21/11 1:22 am
Yep, you are wrong.  I am right. 

I am so sorry that having plastic surgery turned you into a bitter, sad person (I assume you weren't that way before but who knows?)
on 4/21/11 1:25 am
Yeah I'm sorry torture didn't suit me or cheer me up enough 4 you.  Yeah before the torture started  I wasn't being tortured and I felt a lot happier.
aka Leech
on 4/20/11 12:47 pm - Thompson, OH
Am concerned and would like to see your before/after pics but the link won't work for me.  is there another way?
on 4/20/11 7:50 pm
Duh!  Sometimes I get creeped out and don't want something showing until I re-edit or change things up.  Usually I will temporarily block out certain pictures from time to time. but I must have deactivated my whole profile by accident. I thinkk I just fixed that and Picture batch Baccari liposuction. should be up for viewing.  It shows results from 1999. I thought a lift would help with the messy aftermath but it didn't. I have strange pelvic tiltand my lift doctors indicated they had tricks to deal with it during the lift. I had ideas to offer about how I should be positioned but they said not to worry they could handle it.  There is just so much to consider if you have different than ordinary structure and  I understand how they got me so wrong not being specialists in body mechanics of orthopedics or neurology. It's just that theyhave their professional integrity to uphold (of course) and  still refuse to recognise I was different and I'm pretty much coming apart at the seams. The Chinese have been called out  for omitting negative medical research results,  my doctors who travel the world teaching other doctors their method say I'm the only one they've ever worked on with the complaints I have and that me coming to see them for evaluation wouldn't be fruitful. WE people with L5S1 spondylolethesis or spina bifida occulta (which often goes undiagnosed) or spinal aberrations like scoliosis are whole different animals with completely different pelvic geometry than most people and sometimes slip through the cracks and probably should be screened out from certain body contouring procedures. I guess I'm here posting for us.
aka Leech
on 4/21/11 12:50 am
OK NOW THAT YOU HAVE POSTED YOUR PIC GET OFF THE BOARD................................................THANK YOU
on 4/20/11 8:04 pm
I've been posting for years that there should be better way to screen people for  even slight pelvic sacral incidence or abberation like spina bifida occulta )which is fairly common and often goes undiagnosed ) or scoliosis or sponylolethesis before  body contouring   AS far as I know exrays aren't prerequiste for body contouring and probably should be although it would not be cost effective.  Cost effectiveness rules in the  mass marketplace. 
aka Leech
on 4/20/11 11:19 pm - Central, FL
 Like I have said many times before, I am sorry that you have ended up in so much pain and discomfort, especially since it all could have been avoided. I just looked at your after lipo pictures and I will stand by what I have also said all along......there was nothing that needed lifted. People would kill to look even close to how you looked after lipo. It sounds to me that you were possibly suffering with a case of body dysmorphia. Only therapy is going to help with that.

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

on 4/21/11 1:39 am

Yeah there was after the extremely over liposuction.  That's just one picture and everything is stretched forward so you can't tell I guess.  I could send other versions but not today.  

I could say that you people who need gastric bypasses probably should have limited your intake of food years before you gained all the weight but I won't.   We all have different issues and experiences.  I had a lot of misconceptions about what plastic surgery was for. It certainly didn't live up to what the advertisement for it were touting.  Gentle this gentle that.  Afer Baccari I felt like I'd been mauled by bear.

aka Leech
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