Liposuction sucked 4 me.

on 4/20/11 5:35 am

Doctor Baccari (now retired or perhaps forced to retire by peers) acted  like he would be so careful and only remove a very small amount. This really hurts.

Check out pics.Before and after

aka Leech
on 4/20/11 5:48 am - grand rapids, MI

Funny, your last post was "Don't mean to be a Debbie Downer" but you really seem to be. All you do is post negative from your experience from years ago. Even going to the point of changing user names once most people got tired of your posts as Leechetta and probably blocked you.

I understand you had a difficult time and are maybe still dealing w/ it but to continue to post here where people are looking for positive support is very unproductive. Yes people do need to hear about potential complications but when all you do is bring negativity on something that happened years ago by a Dr. who isn't practicing any longer gets old very fast isn't helping them at all. Now you are making up things stating that these surgeries were recent when all your other post as Leechetta were that it happened years ago and you're still dealing w/ the pain year later.

Time for another Block.

on 4/20/11 6:25 am, edited 4/20/11 6:42 am

This liposuction happened in 2001 not recently and I've been dealing with it ever since. You dig.  It didn't just  stop there. I don't mean to be a downer but sorry the shoe fits so I wear it.

I ran out of picture room and had to open up more with an additional name which I use my signature Leech with. Not trying to fool anybody at all.  All I know is when I was considering plastic surgery , all I ever had heard was stuff on TV and that it was so simple with  few or no complications.  All I would have needed, at that time, was to come upon just "one' negative comment to disuade me from having work done. There was just nothing at the time so I went ahead (almost in a menopausal induced swoon state or something)and had work done. 

 I don't post for myself so much as for any new  information seeking individual to this board who wants to know that there can be bad results too and to actually see what that might look like.' Ugh"  It may  not be all that great even when it turns out good cuz as the years go by things change.  Tissue has memory and adipose has intelligence.  Body rebels.  All kinds of weird **** can happen. All I have to say is negative because that what I got.  Let those who want to make positive comments make them.  I have no problem with that.  People who are looking for positivity  can certainly find it even if my negative ones are among them. If you ever noticed old posts get swallowed up by new ones on this board.  That's why you gotta keep posting to keep old info fresh and available to newcomers. Duh?

So  Block  me. My posts aren't 4 people like you.  My posts are for discerning people.

aka Leech
on 4/20/11 8:37 am
I understand that you want people (like me!) who are researching and planning cosmetic surgery to do our homework, acknowledge the risks and benefits and make an educated decision.  However, the things you post on here don't really say anything about your surgery or complications.  Your original post just says that "liposuction sucks" and is painful.  That's pretty ambiguous, and that is why your posts irritate those who have been around to see them before, and are overlooked or ignored by the very people you are attempting to help.  If you truly want to share a cautionary tale to help others and receive support, then you need to post more about what exactly it is you are going through, and what you could have done differently.  Otherwise, you will continue to receive only negative responses to your posts (if you receive any at all)
on 4/20/11 8:48 am
Hey I don't want YOU to do your homework or anything.  I am a homework assignment in itself.  By all means , move on to the next lesson if you so choose.
aka Leech
on 4/20/11 9:09 am
Well, I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but guess I was incorrect.  So if you just come to the board to be rude and nasty, why keep coming?  Seems like a waste of time to me!  What are you getting out of it? 
on 4/20/11 7:23 am

That happen many years ago let it go, it did'nt kill you just keep your clothes on and no one will every know..........................................................
on 4/20/11 7:59 am - Central, FL
 I don't see any before & after pictures to look at.

My hope is that everyone going into plastics has good sense enough to research the crap out of it. To ask as many questions as possible to post-op patients and to potential surgeons. Going into any surgery blindly following any suggestions given to you is a huge risk.

 Is there a plastic surgery regrets Board? You might serve it well. All you do here is scare the **** out of people because you did things that didn't need to be done in the first place. That was YOUR mistake. Plastic surgery is a business and in that business there are some surgeons that actually aren't as concerned as making the almighty dollar as they are pleasing their clients. It's a sad situation that you dealt with a surgeon that was only in it for the money. It is what it is and it's a very hard lesson learned. I don't wish you any ill will in the least but you are definitely Debbie Downer!

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

on 4/20/11 8:59 am

I thought I had researched it. Most of the literature at the time stated that liposuction was good for spot reduction which I wanted so I would look better at this stupid job I had where suddenly we all had to wear our shirts tucked into our pants because the new owners changed the dress code there. I don't know why I just always had a thing about not wanting my whole ass and thighs to show so always wore shirts untucked.  If I had seen what liposuction looks when bent over it would have helped me make a more educated decison.   Most pictures show people standing upright. I'm just showing another angle which I wish I could have  seen at the time.  Everything looked okay for several months until the lidocane and swelling left. 

Pictures should be able to be seen if you click on fiddledd's name I think. 


aka Leech
on 4/20/11 9:11 am
You're incorrect.  You have your profile set to "private" so only people who befriend you can see your pictures by clicking on your name
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