urgh - dissappointed with tummy tuck
I guess it just depends on what the surgeon is comfortable in doing with his skill level. My surgeon took one look at my skin above my belly button and said I probably would be left with a lot of skin with just a regular tummy tuck. I knew that I wanted it gone and I don't feel like my scar looks nasty at all.

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
I had the same problem. I ended up having to have a verticle belly cut done on my next round of plastics(legs) to tighten up even more skin and remove more fat and actually give me a little bit of a waistline. You would think having the Belt Lipectomy the first time would have done it...he removed 10 lbs of skin!
I think sometime what the PS thinks is enough is not enough for us....
This I think goes back to body image and still not being comfortable in our new skin..at least it does for me.
I just had lipo and skin tightened on my legs and there still big....in my eyes..again body image..I asked about more lipo on certain areas on my new legs and he said I will have more loose skin after he lipos....so more skin revision will be needed. I've already spent a fortune....so I feel you pain! best of luck
I had the same problem. I ended up having to have a verticle belly cut done on my next round of plastics(legs) to tighten up even more skin and remove more fat and actually give me a little bit of a waistline. You would think having the Belt Lipectomy the first time would have done it...he removed 10 lbs of skin!
I think sometime what the PS thinks is enough is not enough for us....
This I think goes back to body image and still not being comfortable in our new skin..at least it does for me.
I just had lipo and skin tightened on my legs and there still big....in my eyes..again body image..I asked about more lipo on certain areas on my new legs and he said I will have more loose skin after he lipos....so more skin revision will be needed. I've already spent a fortune....so I feel you pain! best of luck
I have the same issue. My belly still has more fat than I would like. I know that things will continue to adjust for up to a year, but I don't think that my tummy will change much more without either more lipo or weight loss.
I am a bit disappointed because my PS didn't tell me that this would be my result. don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to have the hanging fat gone. I guess I just had visions of bikinis dancing through my head and I need to readjust my expectations.
I see my PS in 3 weeks and will be talking with him about all this. I am not thrilled about having more surgery and frankly don't want to spend the money - I spent $12k already. If he can do something in the office I will go for it.
I just posted a bunch of pre and post plastics pics on my profile - maybe you guys can take a look and give an opinion?
I am a bit disappointed because my PS didn't tell me that this would be my result. don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to have the hanging fat gone. I guess I just had visions of bikinis dancing through my head and I need to readjust my expectations.
I see my PS in 3 weeks and will be talking with him about all this. I am not thrilled about having more surgery and frankly don't want to spend the money - I spent $12k already. If he can do something in the office I will go for it.
I just posted a bunch of pre and post plastics pics on my profile - maybe you guys can take a look and give an opinion?
(deactivated member)
on 4/3/11 10:46 am
on 4/3/11 10:46 am
On April 2, 2011 at 12:58 PM Pacific Time, ajordan wrote:
I have the same issue. My belly still has more fat than I would like. I know that things will continue to adjust for up to a year, but I don't think that my tummy will change much more without either more lipo or weight loss.I am a bit disappointed because my PS didn't tell me that this would be my result. don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to have the hanging fat gone. I guess I just had visions of bikinis dancing through my head and I need to readjust my expectations.
I see my PS in 3 weeks and will be talking with him about all this. I am not thrilled about having more surgery and frankly don't want to spend the money - I spent $12k already. If he can do something in the office I will go for it.
I just posted a bunch of pre and post plastics pics on my profile - maybe you guys can take a look and give an opinion?
You clearly have done well shedding a lot of weight and you should be proud of what you have accomplished. But you have to be realistic too and understand that you haven't come close to a normal weight (by whatever measurement you want to use such as BMI or % body fat or skin fat measurement etc.). You still clearly have more than the normal amount of fat under that loose skin; that fat is distributed around your body. Plastic/reconstructive surgery is not designed, nor can it get rid of that fat. What this surgery does do is get rid of the excess hanging skin and isolated fat pockets for better contouring. In your post-op pictures, the area affected by your tummy tuck looks nice and smooth which great so I would say that your surgeon did a good job and you must look a million times better in your clothes. I think if you expected to look fabulous in a bikini, that is not realistic without having shed more weight and getting closer to a normal weight. I'm sorry to be blunt, but I think that you do look great, you're just not ready to be a bikini model and frankly most of us will never meet that goal.
I just looked at your pics and I think the difference between your befores and now is phenomenal!
Do you think that you're not completely happy because you may have had unrealistic expectations? You know, expecting to look perfect, like Barbie?
I'm trying to avoid setting myself up for dissappointment by trying to not have unrealistic expectations.......It's hard not to imagine myself looking "perfect" afterwards, though.....
Do you think that you're not completely happy because you may have had unrealistic expectations? You know, expecting to look perfect, like Barbie?
I'm trying to avoid setting myself up for dissappointment by trying to not have unrealistic expectations.......It's hard not to imagine myself looking "perfect" afterwards, though.....