
on 3/29/11 9:23 am - Cary, NC
Went for my PreOp today for my extended TT scheduled for 4/8.  Really excited, ready to get it over with and be on the other side of the surgery.  I am dreading the pain because I had NO pain with my RNY or my hysterectomy.  I don't do great with pain meds - they make me hallucinate, which is not good.  I still think having those "nekked" pictures made will be the worst part - how embarrassing - and she asked if I wanted my husband to come along for the pictures - is she kidding - me, nekked in front of the both of them - NO WAY!

My surgery will be a the doctor's office and I will go home the same day, with a catheter = my husband is a team leader in the OR, so I will have my own private nurse.  Will have 2, maybe 3 drains - that will be the second worst part, having those removed (that did hurt when I had my RNY, but only for about 10 minutes).  There will be some lipo on the flanks for contouring and she said this would feel like a deep burning sensation.  I did tell them any sympathy surgery he wants to throw in would be greatly appreciated!

I wrote out those big checks today so I guess this really is REAL! 

I feel like this is an exclaimation point at the end of my story!!!

I have a new philosophy, I'm only going to dread one day at a time.  Charlie Brown
on 3/29/11 10:41 am
Congrasssssssssssssssssss......... are you going to have them take pic of the extra skin. lol
on 3/29/11 11:08 am - Cary, NC
I don't know about the pics - pictures are not my thing, even in my post WLS body.  It would be interesting to see exactly what he cuts off, though.   Guess a picture would be the only way to know, huh?  I did sign to have the fat cells studied - I think it's interesting they can study fat cells and their relationship to diabetes, high cholesterol, etc.  If my fat can help others then more power to it!

I have a new philosophy, I'm only going to dread one day at a time.  Charlie Brown
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