Arm lift Compression garments irritating scar. NEED HELP. 2.5 weeks post-op
You may try using a tube sock . Cut it so that just the part that goes up the calf is used. Thread it onto your upper arm. My compression garment irritated my arms too and this contraption was the only thing that provided me relief.
Best of luck to you, I hope this helps. It sure did for me.
Best of luck to you, I hope this helps. It sure did for me.
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/11 12:38 pm
on 3/28/11 12:38 pm
What kind of compression garment are you using? Could it be that your garment is too tight or too small? Not all surgeons have their patients wear compression garments. Call your surgeon and ask him/her for alternatives - it shouldn't be irritating your scar or causing you significant pain.
I was given TED hose to wear on my arms. They cut the feet off and measured my arms to determine how much of the thigh area to cut off. I found them comfortable and the fabric was nice and soft. I was given three pair so I could wash them daily. I don't know what size I was given but the come in different sizes. I had soft bandages against my wounds, until they healed, but I didn't need any tape to keep them in place because the compression held them in place.
I was given TED hose to wear on my arms. They cut the feet off and measured my arms to determine how much of the thigh area to cut off. I found them comfortable and the fabric was nice and soft. I was given three pair so I could wash them daily. I don't know what size I was given but the come in different sizes. I had soft bandages against my wounds, until they healed, but I didn't need any tape to keep them in place because the compression held them in place.
I have a spandex-like vest that "slides" on to one arm, wraps around back "slides" onto the other arm, and then velcro's in the front. It was fine until the surgical tape started peeling its AWFUL.
It hurts like HELL getting them on....wearing them, and getting them off.
I'm 2.5 weeks post-op and still on pain meds at nightas a result.
The compression itself doesnt hurt...just the irritation to the scars!
He said I could Ace bandage it... but then I swelled up terribly the next day, and he said not to use the ace bandage anymore. He told me I don't 'HAVE' to wear it...
BUT I want the arm to contour nice, and I do NOT want the scar to droop!
and besides,when I don't wear it... the arms don't feel right... I'd MUCH rather be wearing them right now....! :(
SPECIFICALLY in the armpit area...!
I think I am going to try the TED stockings someone just suggested.
I have a follow-up tomorrow...but "no garment" is really not an option.
It hurts like HELL getting them on....wearing them, and getting them off.
I'm 2.5 weeks post-op and still on pain meds at nightas a result.
The compression itself doesnt hurt...just the irritation to the scars!
He said I could Ace bandage it... but then I swelled up terribly the next day, and he said not to use the ace bandage anymore. He told me I don't 'HAVE' to wear it...
BUT I want the arm to contour nice, and I do NOT want the scar to droop!
and besides,when I don't wear it... the arms don't feel right... I'd MUCH rather be wearing them right now....! :(
SPECIFICALLY in the armpit area...!
I think I am going to try the TED stockings someone just suggested.
I have a follow-up tomorrow...but "no garment" is really not an option.
My compression sleeves went on the same way. I would slide one arm in and it all hooked together across my back. I felt like I was in a straight jacket when I put it on. It was so uncomfortable for me. I kept my incisions greased up with polysporin and vitamin e oil and then wrapped them in the bandages. If you put the ace bandages on the same way everytime the greased portion stays on the inside and doesn't show on the outer part of the bandages. I had 2 sets so I always had one while I washed the other set.
Try sleeping with a pillow or two under each arm. Make sure that it elevates both arms. It should help the swelling go down and then you can resume the bandages.
Try sleeping with a pillow or two under each arm. Make sure that it elevates both arms. It should help the swelling go down and then you can resume the bandages.

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
Wrapping them a little tighter at the forearm and decreasing the pressure should help push fluid in the lymphatic system. You have lymph nodes in your armpits. I wasn't that particular when I wrapped mine. I also had very minimal swelling with my arms. I just loved having the support of the compression. I treated my scars and wore the ace bandages for about 3 months. My scars are hardly noticeable.

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
sorry for all the questions... bu I appreciate your help!
I too have minimal swelling. Would you just wrapt them as tight but yet comfortable as you can?
Also... at what point do you recall adding Vitamin E?
What'd you do during the day..just wear them out & about all wrapped up?
Right now, I'm still using bacetracin. I think either this week or next week, the Dr wants me to move to Maderma. Did you ever use that?
Also. did you have some bunching where the fold of skin were placed back together?
And do you have ears?
By you have pics of yours?
I too have minimal swelling. Would you just wrapt them as tight but yet comfortable as you can?
Also... at what point do you recall adding Vitamin E?
What'd you do during the day..just wear them out & about all wrapped up?
Right now, I'm still using bacetracin. I think either this week or next week, the Dr wants me to move to Maderma. Did you ever use that?
Also. did you have some bunching where the fold of skin were placed back together?
And do you have ears?
By you have pics of yours?
I just wrapped mine firm but not too tight. You will know if they are too tight. It's just not comfortable.
As soon as my incisions were no longer oozing and the scabs were off I started on the polysporin and vitamin e oil. I also used Bio Oil. I guess it was around 2 or 3 weeks out. I never tried the Mederma. I greased my incisions up twice a day and massaged them and wrapped them immediately following. I had my arms done in November of 09 so the weahter was cooler and I just wore long sleeves when I went out and about.
I never had any dog ears. I did have a little bit of pleating at first but it smoothed out and I was very diligent in massaging them twice a day.
I have some pictures on my profile.
As soon as my incisions were no longer oozing and the scabs were off I started on the polysporin and vitamin e oil. I also used Bio Oil. I guess it was around 2 or 3 weeks out. I never tried the Mederma. I greased my incisions up twice a day and massaged them and wrapped them immediately following. I had my arms done in November of 09 so the weahter was cooler and I just wore long sleeves when I went out and about.
I never had any dog ears. I did have a little bit of pleating at first but it smoothed out and I was very diligent in massaging them twice a day.
I have some pictures on my profile.

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150