What you're feeling is very normal. In fact, I'd be concerned about you if you didn't have those feelings. Try to keep yourself busy today and keep your focus on the end result. Your surgeon is a highly trained professional, so I'm sure you're in good hands.
All the best to you, and be sure and post and let us know how you're doing as soon as you're able!
All the best to you, and be sure and post and let us know how you're doing as soon as you're able!
I'm five days out and my feet are so cold my toes are blue
. I'm trying to keep my nerves at bay by reminding myself (often!) that everything has risks but that I'm healthy and will be carefully monitored. I think if I chicken out I'll always regret it.
I'll be thinking about you and waiting to hear all about your experience.

I'll be thinking about you and waiting to hear all about your experience.
Yes, my nerves were rattled and wrecked from the day I was approved for surgery until I was put to sleep
Take it from someone who has birthed 10 kids, 3 c-sections, 1 natural childbirth (by accident), RNY, gallbladder removed, broken ankle surgery with pins, screws, and plates
and still I was I remember being taken to OR, put on table and then Dr. talking to me and anethesiologist talking to me but this time was much better!
I was in the holding area and anesthesiologist had me sign off on surgical authorization and gave me a shot of VERSED and the next thing I know I was in RECOVERY!
.....I was out before even being wheeled to OR.....God is so good! cause I started to call my DH back and say this surgery is not "that' necessary come and pick me back
You will be is normal...many blessings and healing your way...your surgery will be longer than mine but I know you will be pleased with your outcome and happy you went through with it!

Take it from someone who has birthed 10 kids, 3 c-sections, 1 natural childbirth (by accident), RNY, gallbladder removed, broken ankle surgery with pins, screws, and plates

and still I was I remember being taken to OR, put on table and then Dr. talking to me and anethesiologist talking to me but this time was much better!

I was in the holding area and anesthesiologist had me sign off on surgical authorization and gave me a shot of VERSED and the next thing I know I was in RECOVERY!

You will be is normal...many blessings and healing your way...your surgery will be longer than mine but I know you will be pleased with your outcome and happy you went through with it!