I am 3.5 weeks out fr a full TT with lipo of hips and flanks. I am not able to fit into my pre op pants still and i am freaking out thinking i will have to buy BIGGER clothes for going back to work in the next few weeks. I was told by my ps that i would go down one to two szs but i am worried thats not gonna happen.
Does the swelling drop all at once? I just want it gone!! I know its still early but when can i at least expect to fit into pre op pants and even more so when will i get down those two szs i was told would happen?
I am impatient but so discouraged right now..pls help!
I understand why you're discouraged. the swelling stays for quite a while. are you wearing compression garments? something that helped me was wearing ones that went all the way to my knees and up to my boobs. Staying hydrated and not over doing it. That can also make you swell more. I kept my legs up in a recliner chair as much as I could as well. making sure you don't over do it is key. Good luck! hope your swelling calms down soon.
¸.· ´¸ ;.·*´¨♥)¸. ·*¨♥)
♥(¸.·´ ♥(¸.·' ♥ Abby ♥
My swelling didn't completely go down for 3 months if I remember correctly. I also had a full TT with some lipo. It does goes down a little at a time. But I guess everyone is different. Definitely ask your doctor, but I'd say don't worry too much. There's no way you'll need a bigger size from having surgery to take away skin once you've healed all the way, I don't think that's possible! After I had mine and most of the swelling was gone, I dropped a size and even now 2 years+ after I have to wear belts with all of my pants to keep them up because my waist is smaller and not proportionate to my legs/thighs, which I didn't have any work done on, and since I'm naturally curvier on the bottom. I'm hoping it will even out more once I lost my last 20-30lbs. I'm not sure how your proportioned, but once your swelling is over I bet you'll be able to wear a smaller size, maybe a few sizes smaller depending on how much skin you had removed!