Another Question...Sorry!
I can not take Codeine or Morphine...but I can take Demerol.
You that know all about drugs, (Medical background) do you think Demerol is going to be strong enough for the pain..!
Did any of you use Demerol for pain..? Did it do well for your pain..?
Is there anything Stronger than Demerol that I could ask my surgeon about..?
Thank you..!
You that know all about drugs, (Medical background) do you think Demerol is going to be strong enough for the pain..!
Did any of you use Demerol for pain..? Did it do well for your pain..?
Is there anything Stronger than Demerol that I could ask my surgeon about..?
Thank you..!
I didn't need any.
I had a morphine pump in the hospital (Thursday post surgery through Friday morning), then switched to norco from Friday afternoon through about Monday morning, moved to extra strength Tylenol through about Wednesday when I kept forgetting to take it because nothing hurt.
I had a morphine pump in the hospital (Thursday post surgery through Friday morning), then switched to norco from Friday afternoon through about Monday morning, moved to extra strength Tylenol through about Wednesday when I kept forgetting to take it because nothing hurt.
Circumferential LBL, anchor TT, BL/BR, brachioplasty 12-16-10 Drs. Howard and Gutowski
Thigh lift 3-24-11, Drs. Howard and Gutowski again!

Height 5' 5". Start point 254. DH's goal: 154. My guess: 144. Insurance goal: 134. Currently bouncing around 130-135.
Circumferential LBL, anchor TT, BL/BR, brachioplasty 12-16-10 Drs. Howard and Gutowski
Thigh lift 3-24-11, Drs. Howard and Gutowski again!

That's really good to hear. I'm thinking, for the most part, I will do well..but I want to be prepared just in case.
I didn't need anything when I had WLS, but I did have Demerol for my back surgery while in the hospital...The problem I had with my back surgery was the PAIN FROM MUSCLE SPASMS, NOT THE ACTUAL SURGERY....NO AMOUNT OF PAIN MEDICINE WOULD HELP WITH THE SPASMS..THEY WERE AWFUL, FOR A LACK OF A BETTER WORD...I would not wish those on my worse enemy..They were that painful.!!!
I'm in hopes, I will be like every surgery I have ever had and do amazingly well...
Thank you for sharing your story with me...I really do appreciate everyone that responds...
That's really good to hear. I'm thinking, for the most part, I will do well..but I want to be prepared just in case.
I didn't need anything when I had WLS, but I did have Demerol for my back surgery while in the hospital...The problem I had with my back surgery was the PAIN FROM MUSCLE SPASMS, NOT THE ACTUAL SURGERY....NO AMOUNT OF PAIN MEDICINE WOULD HELP WITH THE SPASMS..THEY WERE AWFUL, FOR A LACK OF A BETTER WORD...I would not wish those on my worse enemy..They were that painful.!!!
I'm in hopes, I will be like every surgery I have ever had and do amazingly well...
Thank you for sharing your story with me...I really do appreciate everyone that responds...
(deactivated member)
on 3/20/11 11:38 am
on 3/20/11 11:38 am
I had LBL/hernia repair and arm lift. I also had the morphine drip post-op for one day and after that oral meds. I hated that dizzy, nauseated feeling that I had with the oral pain meds that I stopped taking them after the second day and really felt I didn't need them. The real pain was the hernia repair from the muscles - when you are just resting it doesn't hurt - only when you move around and use them. The pain was not in the "severe, I think I'm dying" category - it was more in the "uncomfortable but I can deal with it" one. And when you rested, the pain slowly went away. I was fully prepared to take my meds early to keep on top of the pain, LOL I never even opened the bag DH picked up at the pharmacy - keeping it incase I need it for my upcoming leg and breast lift.
BTW, discuss your pain needs with your surgeon. You should have an understanding of what your options will be before surgery so you will be prepared with whatever you decide upon at home waiting for you when you get home post-op.
BTW, discuss your pain needs with your surgeon. You should have an understanding of what your options will be before surgery so you will be prepared with whatever you decide upon at home waiting for you when you get home post-op.
Hi Skylar..LOVE YOUR NAME..!!
You have been a world of information, and I appreciate that...
My surgeon and I talked about the pain meds., and he knows about how my body reacts to the codeine and the Morphine. He will be using the Demerol...I've never had a lot of pain from anything, THANKS TO THE GOOD LORD, except for the muscle spasms I had with my back surgery...OH MY SWEET JESUS...that was the most AWFUL thing I have ever experienced...They would not last but a brief moment, but that brief moment was most dreaded...!!
The best to you as you have your up and coming surgeries...!!!!
You have been a world of information, and I appreciate that...
My surgeon and I talked about the pain meds., and he knows about how my body reacts to the codeine and the Morphine. He will be using the Demerol...I've never had a lot of pain from anything, THANKS TO THE GOOD LORD, except for the muscle spasms I had with my back surgery...OH MY SWEET JESUS...that was the most AWFUL thing I have ever experienced...They would not last but a brief moment, but that brief moment was most dreaded...!!
The best to you as you have your up and coming surgeries...!!!!