Recap of LBL

christine G.
on 3/17/11 4:50 am

I had a LBL 2 weeks ago; not gonna lie I woke up in recovery thinking ughhh what did I do?!  I was feeling pretty miserable- everyone (surgeon, residents, nurses, med students) kept telling me how great I looked, but I was too sore to move around much and really see, so I never looked just kept asking for more pain meds.  I spent the first night in the hospital on IV morphine and was still quite uncomfortable.  The nurses kept asking if I would prefer PO percocet, but I thought the IV morphine would be more effective so I declined.  Around 6am I changed my mind and took like the percocet and I felt much, much better.  That day I ambulated all over the hospital and I was supposed to go home, but by 8:30 pm I still had been unable to urinate (they removed my foley early in the AM).  This is a side effect of anesthesia as well as swelling, and could be a result of the drains.  The plastics resident (who was gorgeous btw) was threatening to put the foley back in which I was having none of (nurses make the worst patients!), but they would not discharge me until I could pee on my own.  Literally 15 mins after my parents left me to stay in the hospital another night my bladder decided to wake up!  I did stay an additional night and even once I was home for the first couple days I wasn't peeing as much as I knew I should have been, but all is well now.  My surgeon said it was likely tissue swelling in the area putting pressure on my urethra.  I was discharged with a script for keflax and Percocet.  I was pretty sore, but manageable with pain meds- I think around day 10 post op was a major turning point, I'm really feeling pretty good- still a little sore, and I feel really sore when I first wake up in the AM, take 1/2 of a 5/325 percocet and feel fine afterward, don't really need anything else for pain otherwise. 

My surgeon used 4 drains, 2 on each hip.  I went home with all 4.  Day 6 post op 3 were pulled and one was left on the right hip which was pulled day 11 post-op, after it had put out only 13cc in the last 24 hr period. 

The residents had changed the post op dressing and I was supposed to keep it on for several days until I saw the surgeon again for a follow up taking only a sponge bath.  However, the dressing became dirty from leaking around the drain sites and as the sero-sanguinous sat on the gauze for a day it darkened and had a mild foul odor that I could smell through the tegaderm.  I emailed my surgeon a photo and he told me that I could remove the dressing, shower and cover again with dry gauze until I saw him the following day.  The incision line looked fine, no signs of infection and everything was ok. 

The worst part now is the swelling!   And it seems I tend to swell up more than others- I'm so anxious to see what the end result will be.  I'm sure it's good, I have a great surgeon and everyone (residents/med students/nurses) who has been present in the OR kept saying how happy I was going to be with the results, but at the moment I'm so swollen I can barely get my jeans up, never mind closing them!  Even at about a week and a half post op when I saw my surgeon he was like… "wow you really swell up" and assured me I was nice and flat in the OR.

My LBL did address the mons area; although now with the swelling it looks the same as it did pre-op I did notice a significant change Day 1 post-op in the hospital, and I am very pleased with how much smaller it is. 

Sorry this was so long; I just wanted to give those considering a LBL an idea of what my experience was like.  I posted pics in my plastics album which is password protected; if you do not already have the PW but would like to view them, let me know I’ll send a friend request with the PW. 


Breast Lift/Brachioplasty January 18, 2011
Lower Body Lift March 3, 2011
Inner Thigh Lipo/Lift May 4, 2011 

on 3/17/11 4:56 am - IL

Can you get stretchy pants on in the same size you wore before or do you think you will have to get bigger ones for a while?  I'm considering a LBL in the next month and wondering about clothes for going back to work.  I usually just wear jean and shirt but wondering if I need to plan on bigger ones or if  yoga pants will be the norm for a while.



PS can I look at your pictures thanks.

5' 5 1/2"
HW 319/DOS 288.8/NOW 213.6/ 105.4 lostSurgery 1/21/09
christine G.
on 3/17/11 7:48 am
I havent had any issue fitting into my sweatpants at all.  As far as fitting into jeans again- I really  don't know how long it will take and for how long you plan to stay home (I'd reccommend at least 2 weeks).  Maybe someone who has already completed their recovery can chime in on how long it was before they swellingwent down enough to fit into pre-op or even smaller clothing. 

Sent a friend request with the plastics PW :)

Breast Lift/Brachioplasty January 18, 2011
Lower Body Lift March 3, 2011
Inner Thigh Lipo/Lift May 4, 2011 

Hilary P.
on 3/17/11 5:54 am - Decatur, AL
I would love to see your pics! Im having a LBL in December!

Swelling is my biggest fear. Im afraid i'll be a big sweller. I'll have to go back to work atleast half days after 3 weeks.
christine G.
on 3/17/11 7:50 am
Not sure what your work wardrobe is but if I had to dress up I'd probably pick up some wrap dresses that will accomodate swellling and can be worn tighter as the sweling does down and possibly even after recovery so it's not a total waste. 

Breast Lift/Brachioplasty January 18, 2011
Lower Body Lift March 3, 2011
Inner Thigh Lipo/Lift May 4, 2011 

(deactivated member)
on 3/17/11 6:00 am

Thanks Christine for posting this...I was just about to post a question about the drains, when I read your post first.

Would you share with me about those drains...Were they flat on the end..? Did they hurt when removed..? The reason I ask is when I had my WLS, my drain tube was painful to remove because it was flat on the end..I think that was the only thing that hurt me when I did have WLS...
Funny, I guess, but I keep thinking about how that bugger felt and I'm hoping the drains for plastics won't feel as painful when removed..My surgeon said I would more than likely have four as well...

Thanks for sharing the info and any others that would like to share your results with the drains..

Christine I would love for you to add me to your friends list with the password..

Thank you..



on 3/17/11 6:07 am - New Braunfels, TX
Hey Cyndy, my drains didn't hurt at all when removed.  I don't know what shape they were, but I didn't even realize they had been taken was that easy.  Also, my drains didn't bother me at all while still in pulling or anything and I only had 2 with my LBL and they came out at day 6.  Hope this helps.


Height 5' 7


(deactivated member)
on 3/17/11 7:14 am
Hi Laura...

Thanks for sharing your drain story.
When I had my back surgery, the drain didn't hurt at all, while in or being pulled out.

But the one in my stoach was like it had attached it's self to the skin and didn't want to release.
When I saw that the end was flat with a thousand little holes in it, i understood why the little bugger hurt...Maybe the drains my PS surgeon will be an easy pull..

Do you share pictures of your surgery or no..?

Thanks sweetie..
christine G.
on 3/17/11 7:58 am
Hi Cyndy-

I had a standard JP drain and as far as I noticed the entire internal portion of the drain was a cylindrical tube just as it looks externally.  no the drain pulls did not hurt, actually the whole area really is quite numb.  These drains are also more superficial than the drain post RNY.  I felt some pressure with pulling of a couple drains and nothing with the other 2.  I'd also like to add that I didn't have any pain from the drains while they were in place either although I have seen many say that the drains were the worst part of the post op experience.  Only once did i have some stinging/pinching pains from one drain site when I moved- this lasted less than 5 mins- other than that I never had any issues with them.  

I sent a request with the PW.

Breast Lift/Brachioplasty January 18, 2011
Lower Body Lift March 3, 2011
Inner Thigh Lipo/Lift May 4, 2011 

(deactivated member)
on 3/17/11 8:17 am


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