Update on my thigh lift and lateral hip lift :)
Just a few updates on my plastics....all went way better than expected! She removed 5 pounds of skin and lipo fluid. Surgery took 4.5 hours. Thus far I have had great results. Was originally planning to be out up to 6 weeks but she released me last Thursday to return to work and gym and all normal activities yesterday after four weeks.
The pain was not as excruciating as I had prepared myself for so that was a great thing. Still a little swollen and wearing spanx but I know that all of that takes time to settle down. I have gone done one pants size and other things fit soooo much better.
Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. I will say that preparing myself and working as hard as I possibly could to get as physically fit a couple of months prior to surgery helped me immensely and would suggest that to others who are considering the surgery.
Even though I could use some new boobies, I think this plastic surgery (my one and only) is the end of my "journey" :)
If ya'll have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
Thanks for your reply, Nancy. I had my LBL about a year ago. My thighs were/are my dr,'s biggest challenge. Though the groin incision thigh lift helped by pulling everything up, gravity has set in and pulled things back down. So, though I had hoped to avoid the long incision lift, I really think its the only option for reducing the size and skin on my thighs.
It helps to know that you'd do this again in a heartbeat and are happy with your results, as I've heard that this surgery is one of the toughest ones and has complications.
Can I ask two more questions? Did your thigh lift reduce the overall diameter of your tights, including around your knee area? You said you've gone down a pant size and things are fitting so much better, is that due to your thigh lift or hip lift?
At 5 weeks out the measuring of the thighs is down about 1" but have to take into account that they are still "swollen" from the surgery. My doc won't consider it all settled until 6 months out. My knees are less bulky as well, especially where the excess skin was starting to congregate there.
I would say the pant size would be the benefit of both the thighs and hips.
Hope this helped :)
I alternate between glee and panic!
Circumferential LBL, anchor TT, BL/BR, brachioplasty 12-16-10 Drs. Howard and Gutowski
Thigh lift 3-24-11, Drs. Howard and Gutowski again!