Has anybody had an eye/face/neck lift with just local anethesia?
I went to the surgeon and he said he would do my upper eyelids, a mini face-lift and a neck lift all for $5,300. in his office with just taking 3 mg of Xanax. He will then do local injections, just like the dentist. I looked on you-tube and saw some pictures of the surgery but I am freaking out. Have you personally done this?? Without anethesia it is so much more affordable. Thanks everyone for any coments.
1. have u ever had anykind of surgery performed with a local anesthesia? do you know if you can lie still? this surgery would probably take about 2 hrs. depending on how much work had to be done when I had my facelift my PS tightened muscles under the skin, I sure wouldnt want to be awake for that and I have had 4 procedures done n the OR in my PS office
I know of people getting just the eyelids done under local in an OR in the Drs. office in a sterile enviornment.
even under local there is only so much local anestheshia that they can give you before it becomes toxic to your body, so I would be careful. having that much work done I would prefer to have it done in a sterile OR under either twilight or general anesthesia.
I have had several procedures done in my PS OR in his offce, he has a sterile OR, this next procedure I am having done is back fat removal and I wanted it done in his office because I can have surgery under local I STAY VERY VERY STILL especially when he was removing the scar on my face. he told tis procedure may be to much for local anesthesia , he said he could be in the middle of the procedure and may have to give me more local when I already had enough so rather then have to close me up he suggested I have it done at the facility where I can have general anesthesia, yes it does cost more money, but it is worth it. The cheapest price is not always the best way to go
Good Luck in your decision
I know of people getting just the eyelids done under local in an OR in the Drs. office in a sterile enviornment.
even under local there is only so much local anestheshia that they can give you before it becomes toxic to your body, so I would be careful. having that much work done I would prefer to have it done in a sterile OR under either twilight or general anesthesia.
I have had several procedures done in my PS OR in his offce, he has a sterile OR, this next procedure I am having done is back fat removal and I wanted it done in his office because I can have surgery under local I STAY VERY VERY STILL especially when he was removing the scar on my face. he told tis procedure may be to much for local anesthesia , he said he could be in the middle of the procedure and may have to give me more local when I already had enough so rather then have to close me up he suggested I have it done at the facility where I can have general anesthesia, yes it does cost more money, but it is worth it. The cheapest price is not always the best way to go
Good Luck in your decision
Thank you so much. I had not even considered the idea that the local injections could be toxic. I just had the first consult with him to see if it would be affordable for me and he said he had a sterile area in his other location that he does office surgery. I am going to make another consult appt. at that office to check it out myself. Thanks, Carol
3 mg of xanax is a high dose! i think you'd be relaxed once that kicked in!!! i wonder if he gives anything with it, usually conscious sedation (twilight sedation) includes meds that cause some amnesia as well as sedate you, but again, that is a high dose, so you would likely be pretty 'asleep' with just the xanax.
(i am an RN but i don't work in surgery)
i had not heard of doing face lifts with conscious sedation but it sound reasonable enough. i'd ask him if he has any other patients who have had this done who are willing to be contacted with questions.
good luck!
(i am an RN but i don't work in surgery)
i had not heard of doing face lifts with conscious sedation but it sound reasonable enough. i'd ask him if he has any other patients who have had this done who are willing to be contacted with questions.
good luck!
VSG 5/17/10 HW 298 GW 145 CW 143

"Shame is the lie someone told you about yourself." Anais Nin

"Shame is the lie someone told you about yourself." Anais Nin
I had a lower face life and upper and lower blepharoplasty without anesthesia. It's doable, but painful.
"Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--
Emergency Bowel Repair 6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U. Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 12/08
Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09 -Dr. Pontell, Media PA Mastopexy/Massive
Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty (plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500 Start wt: 368 RNY wt: 300 Goal wt: 150 Current wt: 148.2 BMI: 24.7
What sort of sedation did he give you? When you say "painful"......errr, what kind of pain do you mean? From the numbing injections, or from the scapel cutting my skin? What about when he starts cutting my eyelids and I am awake and watching this? Did you get freaked out or because of the xanax you just dont care? I had knee replacement and they gave me a "****tail" in the holding room right before my surgery and then I didnt care what they did to me but I was still awake. It is scarey. Thanks for replying.