Status Update
Last week I posted because I was concerned about spending money when my future isn't certain; possible job lay off! However, I had been planning for this surgery for a while and now it's going to happen, At first I was under the impression that it was going to be $9 but it was only $6. So I'm really excited about that because I was able to pay off two credit cards as well. I'm still trying to prepare us for the just in case. By the end of August I hope to have another one paid off along with my car, thus leaving us with only two credit card bills remaining. Things will be tight for a while but we have to endure because it could get a whole lot worse. Enough about $ because I don't want to depress anyone because we're all going through something. On to more good news. Instead of receiving a bra cut across the back to remove the back fat and to reduce the love handles, I'm having a lateral cut from my breast down to my hip on both sides. This will allow him to remove more of the skin and tighten my stomach a little more. He projects that I will have a hour glass shape as my wasit will be more noticeable. I have hips from hell with the thighs to match. So this should make it appear that I have a rounder backside as well because the skin/backfat that's sitting on it now will be removed. I'm so excited. I'll post again once my surgery is completed and of course I'll add pictures. My goal is to inspire those who never reach the BMI listed on the chart but have regained a life in the process. I never made it to 199 as planned I got to 217 and then went back up. I'm working to keep my weight under 250 and that's a long way from 468.8!!!