Am I selfish or what?
We saved for 2 years and paid cash. Fortunately, we have no debt but our house and decided not to take the money out of the house. It was hard not touching the money we had in the surgery savings for other things, but we did it.
The surgery was less than what we had saved, so we had a cushion that went pretty quickly when my complication**** (extra day at the recovery facility, parking at the hospital was $20/day x16 days for my husband AND my mother, extra babysitter time, co-pays on the multiple, frequently changing medications, ER copays, husband's cafeteria food, buying take out when DH didn't feel like cooking, his extra time off, thank you gifts to those who helped us out.)
Looking back, I was pissed that I had to wait for the surgery, but now I am so grateful that we did not pull money out of the house or finance it. It would have been an extra burden to have financial worries that we escaped since we paid cash. If it were up to me, I would have financed or used a HELOC and that would have been the wrong choice for us.
Best of luck whichever route you choose.
Also, don't stress too much about complications.. it it is going to happen you can not control it, I was told the rate for a LBL is almost 50% (that includes minor complications).
I was very lucky and some of my surgery was covered too and when I had complications it was totally covered since my dr had me go back thru the ER..
Good luck !