Can't decide Saline or Silicon??

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

Under the muscle? I've had three friends do implants and none had them under the muscle. One had saline that was intially adjustable (to stretch the skin) and ended at a D. One had saline and a C. The third had silicone and a C. I think the silicone and the C looks the most natural and I understand it's lighter too.
I think a C is great. My friend with the D looked like she had implants, they were well done but they looked little large for her frame and a little too perky at 40 something. Kind of gave her rack a prow of a ship kind of look (boy, I hope she never finds this post). I remember reading a research study years ago that said most men when tested with picture options and not knowing cup size actually prefer a C, I thought that was really interesting.
I haven't read any of the latest information on the safety of silicone recently. I know the old scare was it could cause fibromyalgia or similar but I understand that might not be a concern any more.
Bets of luck!

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap! she's up!
I will probably go with the silicone under the muscle and a full C. That seems to be the consensus. Thank you for sharing!!!

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.