locating sample appeal letter..help!
I am trying to locate a sample appeal letter I ran into one day here on this site. I beleive it was written by a plastic surgeon but I cant seem to locate it. If anyone recalls this please let me know. I am begining the appeal process after being denied abdominoplasty and want to go back to the insurance company with guns a'blazin (and fingers crossed)
. Thanks all!!


Jane Ganly

Jane Ganly

I have an initial letetr and some tipe here
http://www.drlomonaco.com/tips-on-getting-insurance-for-plas tic-surgery.shtml
A successful appeal is all about determining the reasons for their denial and then fixing those reasons.
http://www.drlomonaco.com/tips-on-getting-insurance-for-plas tic-surgery.shtml
A successful appeal is all about determining the reasons for their denial and then fixing those reasons.
John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas