What do I need for insurance to cover panni removal?
You can follow my journey at mandaschange.blogspot.com

Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap! she's up!
I had called my insurance co ahead - and made sure that they covered "reconstruction" after weight loss. They said that it depended on the "coding" and told me to have a consult. Took about 2 weeks to get approval. Scheduled for 3/10!
I had my panni surgery Dec 20th. you have met what seems like some of the major requirements already with loosing the 100lbs but what helped me get approved was my chronic intertrigo which is a skin rash between the folds of skin. I had to have 3 months of documented proof that I went to the doc and tried different meds he prescribed and if this is something you really want you get forgetful on taking them cause there isnt to many meds out there for that issue. and the code to use for when appealing or what not to insurance is 15830 well it was for BCBS. I lost over 200lbs and it was the intertrigo that got my panni surgery approved. hope this helps some.