Bloodwork After Plastics Question
I asked this question on FB, but who knows who is on what sites anymore. So, I thought I would ask this here too.
How many of your plastic surgeons ordered repeat bloodwork to check your hemoglobin and/or iron levels AFTER you had plastic surgery? If you had multiple procedures that were split up (meaning you waited 3 weeks, 4 weeks, etc., in between surgeries) did they draw labs between the procedures? What about after the second procedure?
I'm just curious.
Thanks : )
How many of your plastic surgeons ordered repeat bloodwork to check your hemoglobin and/or iron levels AFTER you had plastic surgery? If you had multiple procedures that were split up (meaning you waited 3 weeks, 4 weeks, etc., in between surgeries) did they draw labs between the procedures? What about after the second procedure?
I'm just curious.
Thanks : )

Hey, I haven't actually started my plastics yet so I can't comment on personal experience; but likely they will draw between all procedures. Typically pre-op testing is done within 2 weeks of surgery, so I would say for sure any surgery that is 2+weeks out from original testing you will need to redraw. And I think it likely that the dr would order labs to check for hgb, hct, iron etc as these surgeries all carry the risk of bleeding complications and looking for changes in these levels are ways to assess blood loss.
Breast Lift/Brachioplasty January 18, 2011
Lower Body Lift March 3, 2011
Inner Thigh Lipo/Lift May 4, 2011
I would only order labs if I suspected anemia or low blood count from blood loss during the first surgery.
John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas