Plastic Surgery abroad GOOD & AFFORDABLE
I had stiches and stapels in my head behind my ears and I was swollen too but not that bad. I had only very little bruising mostly around my eyes. I only had the scar under my chin and around my ears to worry about getting make up around so the doctor just said be careful for that. I wear compression garments still today and my surgery was November 25 and the other one the 27th. I had to walk bent over and it still bothers me to raise up straight from my bed I have to roll out. I guess people heal in different ways and maybe some faster than others. When I had the gastric bypass I was up the next day with my mom walking and when my doctor came in I was with my girlfriend who had had it a couple of weeks before me putting on my makeup and she was styling my hair. I am just that way. I am getting so many negative messages from just trying to help. I don't understand.
Carole Lynne Vazquez
I have plenty to show for it and if you had cared enough or bothered to contact me I would have even opened up my webcam to show you what you wanted to see or talk about instead you choose to cut me down and call me a liar. You people are hateful and I only wanted to share my story and possibly help.
Carole Lynne Vazquez
We are all about telling our story in hopes of helping others. If you had posted your pictures in the first place I think you would have gotten a different reaction. I know for myself that I just prefer to click on people's profiles to see before & after pictures. Not everyone is comfortable hunting people down through emails. I don't give my email address out to everyone. I also don't own a webcam so that wouldn't interest me either.
As I said in my previous post to you, you look great. You just have some discrepencies with photos you posted and being in the hospital. In particular the ones on the sofa. You are in the hospital with a full set of polished acrylic nails and loaded down with jewelry and make-up and your hair styled. That is very strange to me. Some of those photos were uploaded in October yet you stated you had surgery in November. See what I mean? It all doesn't add up.
Thank you for coming back and for uploading the pictures of your procedures. It looks like you got some great results. I wish you well!
We are all about telling our story in hopes of helping others. If you had posted your pictures in the first place I think you would have gotten a different reaction. I know for myself that I just prefer to click on people's profiles to see before & after pictures. Not everyone is comfortable hunting people down through emails. I don't give my email address out to everyone. I also don't own a webcam so that wouldn't interest me either.
As I said in my previous post to you, you look great. You just have some discrepencies with photos you posted and being in the hospital. In particular the ones on the sofa. You are in the hospital with a full set of polished acrylic nails and loaded down with jewelry and make-up and your hair styled. That is very strange to me. Some of those photos were uploaded in October yet you stated you had surgery in November. See what I mean? It all doesn't add up.
Thank you for coming back and for uploading the pictures of your procedures. It looks like you got some great results. I wish you well!

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
I can see why people might have been confused because I had on the caption of that pic it was after my surgery. I had that pic up forever ago and just now added the newer ones. It was taken after my gastric bypass surgery back in 2005. I changed it to try to clear things up alittle. I was just so taken back by all the negative responses I got. I was sooo excited and wanted to tell the world that they had some where else to go. I really did have a good time there even if I did get cut on from head to toe. My story goes much deeper I stayed for 35 days there because my boyfriend went to Iraq to see his family who he had not seen in 9 years and while he was there he got detained and put in jail because he left Iraq as a refugee and they found it out and he was in a mess there. I had to go through the surgery alone and scared to death for myself and for him too. I did not know if he would make it out alive or not. Finally he came back to Jordan and we could breath and I started healing much faster then. We were able to walk to the grocery and to many resturants near the apartment where I was staying. I could go on and on and on but I will not bore you. Thank you and I hope that the others will stop being so mean to me. I wish you well also. Happy New Year
Carole Lynne Vazquez
Uh, if you were going to clearly lie to advertise Jordan as an option for plastic surgery, why not at least steal someone's real post op pics- I can't imagine anyone who would find your pics to be believable after having multiple, extensive procedures. Exercise a little common sense. ;)
Breast Lift/Brachioplasty January 18, 2011
Lower Body Lift March 3, 2011
Inner Thigh Lipo/Lift May 4, 2011
Not quite the responses I had expected to get. All I wanted to do was tell what a great experience I had and how it saved me tons of money and you guys are ripping me apart. What is wrong with you? Hell yes I have scars and wear my freakin pressure garments. Is that what you wanted to see? I sure can take some pics like that but I thought if you was interested you might email me. I did put up my email for you to ask questions but if you want to go around with extra skin hanging off your body or pay out the butt for surgery that you can get somewhere else for a fraction of the cost then that is your business. The pics that were put up recently were before I left the hospital NOT the day after I had my surgeries. Yes, I was swollen and I did have some brusing but very little. My eyes were taped and had stitches all over my body. Did you want to see the ugly pics like that? Was that what you wanted ?
You people are just hateful and I don't know what to think about someone who all they want to do is down someone for trying to give some help. If you only was civil and emailed me I would have been more than happy to send you my other pics. I just didn't want to put up naked pics of my freakin hanging, sagging breasts, arms, belly, and butt.. Maybe you all would do that but I didn't want the world to see that. I would have even opened my webcam and showed you on there but you can just go on and find your own way. Oh by the way if I was trying to promote the hospital there then why did I not put up all the information and the doctors name and phone number and email and all that other stuff. HATEFUL PEOPLE!!! I thought we were all in this together and were supposed to try to help eachother with what we could!!! What happened?
For you guys that would like to know anything about my experience or would like to see more pics of anything just please let me know and I will do my very best to answer any questions or help in anyway I can. [email protected]
You people are just hateful and I don't know what to think about someone who all they want to do is down someone for trying to give some help. If you only was civil and emailed me I would have been more than happy to send you my other pics. I just didn't want to put up naked pics of my freakin hanging, sagging breasts, arms, belly, and butt.. Maybe you all would do that but I didn't want the world to see that. I would have even opened my webcam and showed you on there but you can just go on and find your own way. Oh by the way if I was trying to promote the hospital there then why did I not put up all the information and the doctors name and phone number and email and all that other stuff. HATEFUL PEOPLE!!! I thought we were all in this together and were supposed to try to help eachother with what we could!!! What happened?
For you guys that would like to know anything about my experience or would like to see more pics of anything just please let me know and I will do my very best to answer any questions or help in anyway I can. [email protected]
Carole Lynne Vazquez
I just now took these pics of myself and posted them on my profile. It is not easy to take pics of yourself but this is the best I could do. This is me and you can see the date and I hope they don't kick me off the site for obscenity's or whatever but you guys have just been so unkind, hateful and unbelieving I felt it necessary to post these. Oh yes my surgery was Thanksgiving day with a day to recoop before the next surgery. So, I had the bottom half done....tummy tuck, inner thighs and backside lifted and then on November 27th the upper half.....breasts lifted, and implants, under arms, and facelift with neck. I truly did have all this and this is me and why you all choose to cut me down I am not sure cause I only wanted to share and try to help. For you guys that interested please contact me for all you others keep your comments to yourself because you are just bringing me down and I do not need that right now. This is a joyful time for me. I gave this to myself for Christmas and I am very happy and grateful.
Carole Lynne Vazquez