Plastic Surgery abroad GOOD & AFFORDABLE
Hey Guys,
I just got back from Amman, Jordan and I would love to share with you my experience. This is my second post. My whole trip was less than $20,000 and I had the works done. Starting with my inner thighs, tummy tuck, and back side first and then a couple days later I had my breasts lifted and implants, my bat wings clipped, ha ha and a full facelift including my neck (the gobbler). I was there for 35 days but only by choice. I was there for vacation with my boyfriend. Had a blast was able to see and do tons of things. I have pics and can fill you in with any info you might need. Please if anyone wants to go and needs a travel companion let me know. We can work out something I am sure. I know you are thinking maybe bad thoughts about going over seas but it was the best thing that ever happened to me and the people welcomed me and treated me like I was royalty. I had a blast. I did stay in the hospital for 10 days but that was also by choice. Fill you in on that too if interested. The surgeries went over without a hitch and the doctors and surgeons were so caring. The came in my private room each evening and visited and one even brought his wife and me and her became good friends and she took me shopping after I got out of the hospital. I am telling you it was a blessing and I feel like God led me there. My small apartment where I stayed was clean and was efficient not to mention cheap. I paid $25 Jordan dinar for each night. There were bigger and better but hey....I was there for the surgery and sight seeing. My stay there was very good. The manager brought me my tea and cookies while I was in the lobby on my laptop!!! Most everyone there in Jordan spoke English too. All the hospital staff spoke Engli**** is mandatory. Ok my email is [email protected] please feel free to contact me anytime for more details. Happy New Year
I also had a facelift and neck lift. There's a lot of bruising and swelling associated with a facelift. You don't even show signs of a bruise. Wearing make-up on my eye lift was out of the question. Do you care to expalin that for those of us that might be interested? Your surgeon must have a magic wand.
If you in fact vacationed right after having your platics...I think that is great. I can only speak for myself and I can sincerely state that I was in no mood or condition to be sightseeing and shopping after having my body sliced and diced from head to toe. I'm not in any way trying to diminish your experience but I just think pre-ops need to know that most people's experience with major plastic surgery is not so glitzy and glamourous immediately post-op.
I just find this whole post extremely strange!
Edited for typos

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
who would want to sat in Jordan for 35 days most average people have a family to get back to.
this just seems a little bizarre to me.
Drs. dont usualy put implants in as soon as they do a lift thats odd
Maybe you did not understand. The pic of me in the red top was the last day I was at the hospital. I did not have my compression garment on my face because I had some dental work done while I was there too. I was wearing the body garment though. I was getting ready to leave and they came to get me for some pictures. I stayed in the hospital from November 24 till Dec 4 due to the plastic surgeries. I went back several visits to get the dental work done after I was discharged from the hospital.
I realize most average people would not go there and stay that long but there were cir****tances that I did not feel I had to tell the world about. My children are grown first of all and I am not employed at this time. I got a settlement from a accident I was in and I took the chance to go to Jordan for my surgery. My boyfriend had not seen his family in Iraq since he left 9 years ago and he wanted to go see his mother because his father had already passed and he did not get to say goodbye to him so he went there and when he got there he was put in jail and detained for days because they found out that he was a refugee and had came to America to live. It was horrible for both of us. I was in the hospital alone and scared and he was there and could not get to me and was scared for his life.
Now you see why I did not want to go into all that? Even though all that happened he made it back to me and we did get to share many special moments and seen many things I have only dreamed about. The site where Jesus was babtised and the Dead Sea...many things. I was sore from head to butt but I walked each day. I am still sore and if you care to look I posted some pics of me recently and you can clearly see the scars are still healing. I got my implants at the same time because I did not have that much time. I got there to Jordan on the 16th of Nov and went into the hospital on the 24th. I got to see a few things before I went in and before Joseph left for Iraq. Afterwards what hurt me the most was my inner thighs where I was cut. I just walked slowly but as for my stomach I just got up slowly and sit down slowly. I am still feeling numbness in my face, head, stomach, lower back you name it. The doctor said it will go away. I sure do hope that this clears up your questions. I am not a liar. I have no reason or desire to lie to anyone about this. I mearly wanted to share my story and hope to help anyone who might consider going there. I had such good results why would I not want others to know?
10 days after my face lift I looked like Alfred E Newman--so swollen. I still had stiches behind my ears and the bruising was starting to turn yellow. No make-up allowed for a couple of months. My ps was very conscious of infection.
I also had compression garments on at all times-except for showers. No way could I stand up straight or "pose"--it hurt and I didn't want to open wounds.