General Anesthesia versus Twilight Sedation
on 12/24/10 7:03 am
Still learning and researching and would love to hear from others about this!
I just had twilight sedation - also known as intravenous sedation - on Wednesday for my arm lift surgery and will never choose general anesthesia again if I have a choice. I've had a number of surgeries with GA and it took me days to feel like "me" again whereas I walked out of the hospital on my own just three hours after waking up and I felt great!
The worst part was the painful sting of the I.V. going into the underside of my forearm - that burned like a son of a gun at first but it was only moments and I was off to la la land anyway.
Waking up was a bit unusual as well. I felt like I was a character in a video game and was fighting my way through forests and walls made of blue and green curtains. I realized later that those colours were what the nurses were wearing so I guess my eyes fluttered open long enough to see that and drift back and incorporate it into my snoozing.
So overall I highly recommend twilight sedation and plan to use it again in January for my breast lift.
Happy decision making!
I wish this were true but according to at least one published study of 84 twlight anesthesia patients:
"The midazolam/fentanyl sedation group had more recall of "unpleasant intraoperative events" (17 percent versus 3 percent, p = 0.007). However, both groups had low recall of intraoperative pain, anxiety, and nausea. The propofol infusion group experienced significantly more nausea in the recovery room (p = 0.002), nausea at the time of discharge (p = 0.009), and nausea the evening after the operation (p = 0.013). "
That being said, I am glad you were not one of the 17% of patients with recall, pain, or nausea !
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
on 12/25/10 1:51 pm
Who was your surgeon if you don't mind my asking? I don't think very many offer twilight sedation, but I'm not positive of this yet either..
I had Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey, Mexico. He's got a board on here where you can read several patients stories and watch things happen in real time. Price for me was $11,400 that's with my $600 flight credit and implants included. Hotel costs are also covered and transportation to and from the airport. Check out some photos of his patients, you'll see what an artist he is.
I can do hard things, life is teaching me that I can.
Lost 222lbs with rny, 20 lbs regain.
Plastics, July 2010 with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey, Mexico