Better updated after TT photos - 7 days out!!
Home I am not boring you with all the posts but just wanted to share my photos with who ever wanted to see the process. I now there were not a lot of extended anchor cut tt photos when I was looking so I wanted to add to what is out there. Thanks for viewing, hope it is helpful to someone.
You have to look into my profile to see the photos cause I don't know how to post them in this post.
You have to look into my profile to see the photos cause I don't know how to post them in this post.
God is good all the time!!

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

Wow! Your body looks great. You have such a beautiful shapely waist. What will the doctor do with your belly button or will correct itself?
Your doctor did a great job, I'd like to get an anchor cut to remove the same extra skin I have.
Thank you for sharing your pictures.
Your doctor did a great job, I'd like to get an anchor cut to remove the same extra skin I have.
Thank you for sharing your pictures.
~Believe in Yourself~
Wow, first of all thank you for the nice to hear. My Doctor says if the belly button doesn't survive he will take me back to surgery and soe it closed. There will be no belly button for 4-5 months, then he will do another surgery to re-create a belly button from skin folds by bunching it together. The belly button will have to live inside my body at that point. I have named her abbygayle and I hope she makes it cause I don't want two more surgeries (unless I get a breast lift then I would do it). I will keep you posted.
God is good all the time!!

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

Thank you. I will be glad when all the swelling goes away....who knew there was a shape under all that fat and skin,,,I am amazed! Thank you for noticing.
God is good all the time!!

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

That is funny! Do you still not have a belly button? May I see a photo of it? I go tomorrow and will have to decide if I want the surgery to create one or just not have one. I would like to see what that would look like without it. If you would send me a photo that would be awesome.
God is good all the time!!

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

I just want to say you look fantastic!! I have to thank you for the photos. I am scheduled to have the same surgery on Jan 5 (pending insurance approval) with a hernia repair . Your photos have given me an idea of what to expect. It has relieved some of the anxiety of the whole procedure. I can't wait to get rid of all that excess skin. Again, you look great!