When are you ready for PS ?
How do you know when you ready for plastic surgery. I had my first consult last week and he indicated that my pannes was so big and droopy that I didnt have to loose any more weight in order to get it removed. He actually said that my belly alone he could remove 20 pounds. Do I let him cut it all off or hold off until more weight is off my body?
For insurance sake to remove the pannes, I have to maintain a constant weight for 3-6 months. When do I decide to stop loosing weight, so that insurance will pay for removal of the pannes.
I had my verticle sleeve done in Feb 2009, weighed in at 354 day before surgery. Last night after a checkup with my WLS my weight was 267. My progress is going slow because I havent addressed all my emotional problems with regards to eating. I have kicked some of my bad habits but not all of them.
I am so confused as to what to do. Life is such a challenge with this belly of mine..... I just dont know if I get it cut off or deal with it. I tried shapers... they just relocate it.

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
on 12/21/10 1:39 am
I had my arms and a breast lift last month, with about 10 pounds left to lose.
The PS and I agreed that my arms and breasts were not going to change significantly with those 10 pounds.
I am saving to have the tummy/panni done next -- but it will be Fall 2011 before I schedule it.
If you act now, you may find that when you get to your goal weight, that you have to have your PS redone to be happy with the results.
If not either of those and not something else ... you might want to hold off till you are more stable and finished losing if you are looking for a one and done approach. If you plan on this NOT being enough long term then you need to decide if you want to do it or not.
HW 341/SW 309/CW 169/GW 190 172 lb. loss with my DS - Subscribe to me on YouTube!
Plastics with Dr. Sauceda 1-11-11 Lower Body Lift, Thigh Lift, Upper Body Lift, Arm Lift and Male Breast Reduction
If you are a MALE and are interested in MALE PLASTICS AFTER WLS click to join our OH Group!
Let me tell you my story.
After losing over 200lbs, I went to Mexico and self paid for a tummy tuck (extended panni, with mons left and hernia repair) And a brachioplasty.
I was living on Aleve for my backpain. My doctor was giving me a Rx every month so that I could just get through my 12 hr shifts at the hospital. I was swimming almost daily and when I would swim my arms would hit me in the head. It would have been comical if it hadn't been so tragic!
I was a mess! I knew I still have over 100lbs to lose, but for me I needed to get some relief from my backaches. My surgeon removed more than 23lbs from my tummy and both arms. And I can tell you I have not taken one Aleve, Tylenol or anything thing else since! I am able to workout and swim without any problems.
With all that being said, I am returning in March for a total revision to my tummy and arms. I have lost a lot more weight and my skin is hanging again -- not near the extent it was previously but it is unslightly and causes me to have to wear a flexee daily just to look decent in my clothes.
IF you have mobility issues AND you realize that you will not have the best result - only an improvement - And you are okay financially paying for revisions after you've reached your final goal, I would say, go for it. Allow your insurance to pay for your panni. Most insurances won't cover a second panni once you've reached your final goal..
12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand.
Thanks everyone for your advice. I appreciate it. I dont know what my goal is.... I know its sad I dont know it but I dont know what is realistic for me to achieve. I think I still have the "fat lady" feeling and cant imagine myself thin in any sense of the word.
I can tell you that the panni does get in the way, the skin underneath is dark. I try to take care of it really well so its dark but I dont have much breakdown at least to my knowledge. My gyno diagonsed me with Lichen Sclrosis and that is .... down there. He says its not because of my weight that its just because of who God made me. The area where my legs droop and my belly meet, my skin is thin there... so much my veins or blood vessels can be seen very clearly. I never want to be with my husband because of my stuff. I have to lift it in order for him to even get to it.
Maybe I was destined to be fat all my life and i just have to deal with it. I am so down on myself right now. :(
We just had open enrollment and they denied me for long term disability. I currently get 40% of my pay, but applied for 60% and they denied me because of the height and weight ratio.