Scheduled for January... *gulp*
Good Morning...
So I'm really very much a sporadic lurker here... but I love reading about people's experiences so I would like to contribute along those lines...
January 6 I am scheduled for a double hernia repair, anchor cut tummy tuck, and breast lift. My surgeons are Dr. Kevin Cross (plastics) and Dr. Gary Korus (hernia). Dr. Korus is the director of bariatric surgery at Pennsylvania Presbyterian which I liked knowing but was not how I chose him LOL He works with Dr. Cross and I made the decision based on the plastic surgeon. Anyway....
The plan is a one night stay in the hospital... maybe two depending on how I'm doing... historically I've tolerated surgery well... this is my 4th in 4 years... (vertebre fusion, rotator cuff, duodenal switch)... However, I'm currently borderline anemic increasing the transfusion risk and generally decreasing the level of health compared to previous surgeries... this is increasing my nervous a bit... but they aren't overly concerned with it... or maybe it's more they are more concerned with the hernias and how large they are.... either way... they are moving forward... and the timing works well for me... delaying for infusions wouldn't work nearly as well but obviously I would have if that was the recommendation...
I'm nervous about the pain... I watched the procedure on youtube... sometimes there is such a thing as too much information... I think I have a handle on what to take to the hospital... ipod... pillow to hold the belly... draw string not elastic pants... lip stuff... and non-slip socks I like... if anyone has additional suggestions... please feel free... :)
The one question I don't really see discussed in this forum is hair loss. I know it's a risk of any surgery but is also more likely with the bariatric surgery thanks to the post surgical malnutrition... I'm getting the idea that it's not as severe with PS but am curious to experiences and thoughts by others....
Cheers and thanks!
Hi Angie,
Are you still wearing a compression garment? My PS said it would be 6-8 weeks minimum... knowing me I suspect I'll want to wear it longer... but we shall see...
Either way... think a pair of panties over the compression garment would work to hold the drain as well?
Congratulations! and good luck... thank you for the tip :)