I scheduled my surgery!
My panni goes down over my pubic area and the skin breaks apart and bleeds, insurance will cover the panni removal! For an additional $2000 Dr. Livingston will do a full tummy tuck.
My breasts, the sad little boobies they have become, have gone down to a small A cup, so I'm hoping for a C cup after augmentation.
Wanted to share this with the people I knew would understand! I had no idea the panni would be as much of a bother as it is, I kinda thought, this is the price of massive weight loss, but I really seriously started looking at it when I couldn't find a bathing suit that would hold the panni in. I did struggle for a while knowing what to do with spending the money on augmentation, but after some very helpful people on here on the plastics board and research online I made up my mind! Besides if I average it out over 10yrs, it'll be less than $500 a year, I'm so worth that! hehehe
Thanks for all your support!
I'm open to any input or suggestions as to what I should be doing to prepare!
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap! she's up!
on 12/16/10 5:32 am
One thing I wish I had done was to write a list of chores I wanted done before surgery. I guess the day before my surgery my mind was so focused on surgery that I forgot to do some basic things like doing laundry LOL - never thought I'd forget something like that.
Good luck
I can't imagine not doing laundry, we've got 3 teenage girls, 2 of them are swimmers so I do towels almost every day! Someone else will have to do that for a while.
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap! she's up!

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
I have appreciated all your advice and I'm sure I'll have more questions as it gets closer. It all seems unreal to me... like I said to Tom on the DS board, I cannot imagine not having this skin on my stomach AND having boobs again!
I need to get my thoughts together and get organized!
Thanks again!
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap! she's up!
Lisa, thank you so much for sharing this. I have been wondering what to expect after I have lost all of my weight. I have to tell you that you are BEAUTIFUL! I love seeing your pics and watching your progression! I can only hope I look half as good as you do!
The whole panni thing has me wondering what I will have. My insurance won't pay for ANY skin removal after WLS... so I will have to finance the whole thing myself. But, like you said, you are worth it.
BEST wishes to you!
- 165 lbs. total! Updated 4/7/13
You made me smile.. thank you so much for the compliment! This has been quite the journey. I really don't think anyone can truly prepare for the tremendious changes you go through when you lose massive amounts of weight. I wouldn't have thought this would be my end result. Not only a size 6, but so much skin! I'm very grateful for my DS and having had surgery, wouldn't change anything! It's all worth it!
Enjoy your journey down the scale!
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap! she's up!
Congrats Lisa! I can't believe you skin was cracking and bleeding! Is that common. Mine just gets in the way, deciding whether I should try to pull it above my pants or smush most in my pants. I go with whatever is comfortable and after losing over 160lbs I was hoping I wouldn't have to wear long shirts anymore! I am hoping to get PS too, what did BCBS require to get it paid for?