Somebody hold my hand PS on 12/17 and getting nervous
Hi Val,
He may be putting you in a binder at the beginning instead of a compression garment. I woke up from my surgery in the c. garment. It keeps things very tight and compressed and helps keep the swelling down. Some dr's don't use them at all, so I would say just go with what your surgeon recommends.
You will be moving slower (much slower) than what you are used to at first, so give yourself time to do things and don't be in a rush.
I have a feeling you will do great, but I'm also sending up some prayers for you. Please don't hesitate to give me a holler if you have any questions!
He may be putting you in a binder at the beginning instead of a compression garment. I woke up from my surgery in the c. garment. It keeps things very tight and compressed and helps keep the swelling down. Some dr's don't use them at all, so I would say just go with what your surgeon recommends.
You will be moving slower (much slower) than what you are used to at first, so give yourself time to do things and don't be in a rush.
I have a feeling you will do great, but I'm also sending up some prayers for you. Please don't hesitate to give me a holler if you have any questions!
(deactivated member)
on 12/7/10 10:50 am
on 12/7/10 10:50 am
Val, I'm sorry your family is not more supportive because even moral support definitely helps you get through things like this. OTOH some people just don't understand why we need this reconstructive surgery - they aren't living in our body with all the hanging skin and rashes etc. Just post here, we want to help you.
I had a LBL/hernia repair and arm lift at the same time so I had a little more done than you - but I found I needed help the first few days home. I didn't need pain medication after the first day - but the nurse had me take a pain medication before I went home in anticipation of potential pain - didn't need it but it made me dizzy and nauseated and I think it affected me when I took my first shower. I am so thankful my DH was there in the room with me to help me take that first shower. First he helped me take off my binder and bandages from the LBL as well as the compression sleeves and bandages from the arm lift. I just couldn't look right away at my wounds so I was so thankful that he did and he looked for any potential problems like redness or excess swelling etc. that could indicate infection or other problem. Psychologically when I took the compression garments off to wash I felt scared, like my security blanket was ripped away from me (I got better and better with each shower but those first few were scary as I didn't want to damage my scars or split something - this was in my head, not reality). I felt safer having DH there. Near the end of the first shower I felt shaky and weak - I had a chair handy to sit it and afterwards I layed down in my bed (with a gazillion pillows in the lounge chair position) and had a much needed nap. This weakness/tiredness was only for that first shower, but maybe if I was taking the pain medication this would have continued to be a problem? I don't know - but I really needed someone responsible there. I recommend if you don't have someone who you trust to come into the bathroom with you for that first shower, hire a nurses aide to come to your house to help. At the hospital they asked me constantly if I had help and if I didn't they could arrange to have someone come to the house to help with taking a shower and changing bandages etc. You don't need anyone all day long - just for a short time for specific tasks.
I had a LBL/hernia repair and arm lift at the same time so I had a little more done than you - but I found I needed help the first few days home. I didn't need pain medication after the first day - but the nurse had me take a pain medication before I went home in anticipation of potential pain - didn't need it but it made me dizzy and nauseated and I think it affected me when I took my first shower. I am so thankful my DH was there in the room with me to help me take that first shower. First he helped me take off my binder and bandages from the LBL as well as the compression sleeves and bandages from the arm lift. I just couldn't look right away at my wounds so I was so thankful that he did and he looked for any potential problems like redness or excess swelling etc. that could indicate infection or other problem. Psychologically when I took the compression garments off to wash I felt scared, like my security blanket was ripped away from me (I got better and better with each shower but those first few were scary as I didn't want to damage my scars or split something - this was in my head, not reality). I felt safer having DH there. Near the end of the first shower I felt shaky and weak - I had a chair handy to sit it and afterwards I layed down in my bed (with a gazillion pillows in the lounge chair position) and had a much needed nap. This weakness/tiredness was only for that first shower, but maybe if I was taking the pain medication this would have continued to be a problem? I don't know - but I really needed someone responsible there. I recommend if you don't have someone who you trust to come into the bathroom with you for that first shower, hire a nurses aide to come to your house to help. At the hospital they asked me constantly if I had help and if I didn't they could arrange to have someone come to the house to help with taking a shower and changing bandages etc. You don't need anyone all day long - just for a short time for specific tasks.
Thank you for the ideas of hiring someone to help. My son is here and strong enough to pick me up off the ground if need be. I know he would assist in an emergency, I am just concerned with the daily tasks like cooking, cleaning, helping me to bathroom etc. I know he could not stomach seeing my wounds and I am not sure I want him seeing me take a shower (but in an emergency we will make due). I think I will offer to pay one of the nurses at my church to come and help out a day or two. Most of my local family members work and have families to take care of. I am out of the way for them to just pop by during the week, but maybe on the weekend I can convince one or two to spare me an hour or so to help with shower and stuff.
I did talk with my family and shared how important this was to me and how I needed their help. Although they still don't want me to do it, they are coming around and a few agreed to help (didn't offer but said, we'll help) so this makes me feel better. I do know that the majority of the time I will have to take care of myself however....but getting some understanding is giving me some comfort.
Thanks for your advise, I apprecate it .
I did talk with my family and shared how important this was to me and how I needed their help. Although they still don't want me to do it, they are coming around and a few agreed to help (didn't offer but said, we'll help) so this makes me feel better. I do know that the majority of the time I will have to take care of myself however....but getting some understanding is giving me some comfort.
Thanks for your advise, I apprecate it .
God is good all the time!!

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

A lot of people are writing about problems with the first shower. Does your Dr. allow showers with the drains still in. Mine did not. Spong baths only until the drains came out. By that time it was not a problem. JUst go one day at a time. The first fewer are rough but every day gets a little better. Good luck
I plan on just spong bathing it for as long as necessary or at least until all the stiches are out. I am sure my doctor will tell me about that once I go to the office the day of surgery. My dad did give me a shower chair so when I do shower the first time I will use that. I just hope I can get off that thing when I am done LOL!
God is good all the time!!

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

I don't have a best friend but I do have a couple friends however they live so far away, it would be difficult. One did offer for me to stay with her and her family but I don't want to impose on them like that. We are new friends and while she is so sweet and generous, I feel bad to burden her like that. She works so much and has a husband and grand children to care for; I would be too much. I think I will be okay. I have gotten some great ideas on this board. I did talk to my family and my son and told them I could not do this alone. They seem to understand and I believe I will get some assistance, and some is better than none. So, thank you for the encouragement.
God is good all the time!!

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.

Gastric Bypass Dr. Troy La Mar 03/12/08
Anchor Cut, Extended Tummy Tuck Dr. Pearlman D. Hicks 12/17/10
Starting weight 265, Goal Weight 130, Current Weight 145.