I recently had my 10 year surgaversary & would like to share my blog with you & my 10 year progressive album in my profile.
I've had quite a bit of cosmetic surgery done so I'm hoping that I can inspire some of you that aren't as far along in your journey. There are a few pictures of me one week post-op right after my arms and new twin girls were done. There are also at least a couple pictures in my 10 year album that will surprise you and show you just how much cosmetic surgery, as well as WLS, can do for all of us.
Although my blog says I've had zero complications from my WLS, which is true, and a blessing in itself; I wasn't so fortunate with my cosmetic surgery. But I would still do it again w/o hesitation. I had fat necrosis complication with my TT and it extended my healing time to an extra 3 months. It was quite unpleasant to put it mildly, the debreeding of the skin, etc,, for those of you that have been through it, but it isn't the worst thing I've ever been through either.
I think we are all aware that we, ourselves, are responsible for maintaining our weight. But having cosmetic surgery is certainly a major incentive.... to me the best REWARD ever, in inspiring me to keep the weight off.
Good luck to all of you. Hopefully we will talk again soon.

HW 350# /SW 325# / Maintaining & At Goal
11 Yrs & Counting
Open RNY & band, 100 cm bypassed, proximal, transected
12/28/01 Abdominoplasty & Liposuction
08/15/02 Brachioplasty, Mastopexy, & Mammoplasty
1 step @ a time, 1 goal @ a time, 1 choice @ a time, 1 change @ a time

My brachioplasty done on my arms looks like tiny pencil thin lines now and the same is true for my breast work done....the incision lines are barely visible. As for my TT, the only place the incision line is alittle thicker, is where I had the problem with the fat necrosis. But I can live with that.
HW 350# /SW 325# / Maintaining & At Goal
11 Yrs & Counting
Open RNY & band, 100 cm bypassed, proximal, transected
12/28/01 Abdominoplasty & Liposuction
08/15/02 Brachioplasty, Mastopexy, & Mammoplasty
1 step @ a time, 1 goal @ a time, 1 choice @ a time, 1 change @ a time
Good luck to you and I'm happy that you've found a wonderful man to support you through this.
HW 350# /SW 325# / Maintaining & At Goal
11 Yrs & Counting
Open RNY & band, 100 cm bypassed, proximal, transected
12/28/01 Abdominoplasty & Liposuction
08/15/02 Brachioplasty, Mastopexy, & Mammoplasty
1 step @ a time, 1 goal @ a time, 1 choice @ a time, 1 change @ a time
I didn't get a chance to read your reply until this morning, and I received it exactly when I needed it. The timing of your encouragement is perfect!!! :) I have an appoint this Friday with my surgeon. It has been 4 months now since my surgery. When I go in this Friday, we're going to talk about a plan - whatever that will include - i.e. lipo only, lipo and revision, etc., etc. I already know that we're going to get rid of the little tags (dog ears) underneath and on the sides of my bl areas. He will "fine tune" those babies! LOL. I need to get all this done BEFORE December 31st to fall under this year's deductible! ;o) My ps has a procedure room in his office, so under local anesthesia, we'll get her done!. I'm excited about the tweeking and I'm ready for it. He's a great, concientious, and personable guy. He really wants his patients to be happy with what he's done for, on , and to them!
Again, thank you so much for your sweet words. I am truly blessed to have a wonderful and loving man that does support me. He doesn't judge me, and if it's what I feel I want/need to do for myself, he prays with me for a great outcome and he's there through it all. Of course he always makes sure that it's for myself that I want to do it - NOT FOR HIM! He tells me that he loves me just the way that I am - soft (aka - saggy) skin and all. LOL. And you know what? HE REALLY MEANS IT!!! He's a keeper and I truly do love him. :)
God bless you always,
I would have loved to have a full body lift but I couldn't find a money tree big enough. I think I realized I have to keep this realistic. I don't have to look like Barbie and I will never have the perfect body. We are always going to be our own worst critics about finding every single flaw on our bodies but when I think about what my body use to look like, I mean OMG.
I wonder why I am wearing shorts down below my knee's and hiding my big thighs??? After all, they look so much better than they did 225# ago.
Congrats on your 1 month anniversary. I followed my program to the letter. You need to do everything you can to protect your tiny little baby pouch. Good luck.
HW 350# /SW 325# / Maintaining & At Goal
11 Yrs & Counting
Open RNY & band, 100 cm bypassed, proximal, transected
12/28/01 Abdominoplasty & Liposuction
08/15/02 Brachioplasty, Mastopexy, & Mammoplasty
1 step @ a time, 1 goal @ a time, 1 choice @ a time, 1 change @ a time
RNY - 10/07
Rt. Hip Replacement - 4/08
Upper Body Lift - 11/08 (Dr. Timothy Katzen)
Lower Body Lift - 3/09 (Dr. Timothy Katzen)