SO CA Plastic Surgeon ,., Recommendations?
BESIDES Dr,. Agha and Dr. Katzen
are there anymore doctors who are experienced with WLS patients (& good LOL)
I am wondering if there might be some more affordable options in my area. I know there are a Ton of plastic surgery doctors in my area but of course I want one who is familiar with lots of loose skin.
I need a LBL, BL/BA. Possible brachioplasty, and small inner thigh.
In particular I was hoping to find a surgeon who will do an Anchor incision With my LBL (in case I need it)
Recommendations just for the breast work alone would also be appreciated.
I've looked at websites and the reviews on OH but there are so many to wade through.
I am considering Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico BUT I would much prefer to stay stateside
even if Ihave to have my work staged for financial reasons.
Just wondering if there are ANY experienced surgeons who are more affordable.
Probably not.. but worth asking.
thanks, Loretta