Ok, truth please. Plastics vs RNY. What was worse 4 u? Thanks.
on 11/2/10 10:17 am - .., WA
So what was it like for you compared to the RNY? I have only really had one big surgery, only been knocked out one time. When I had my RNY with Gallbladder removal. So, I have nothing to compare it to. Please share....Pain .... everything. Thanks.
My sleeve recovery was EASY. I didn't have much pain and was off all pain killers in aobut 3-4 days. Back to normal activities (with a nap in the afternoon!) in 1 week.
Plastics was 2 weeks ago today. I needed pain meds for about 10 days (advil only for the last 4 or so). The pain was worse - but manageable with pain meds. The recovery is slower as well - I am still off work and will be for another week - and I need that time. I get tired easily. I am on lifting restrictions, and they aren't kidding. Yesterday I went out for a bit to Costco and lifted a couple things that were probably over 5lbs (but not by a lot). Today I'm pretty sore.
Plus I had drains for almost a week with plastics. Those are a pain.
Plastics (extended brachioplasty and br/bl)I needed pain meds for about two weeks after surgery and I took 4 weeks off of work. The breasts didn't hurt, mostly uncomfortable but the arms really took it out of me. The incisions go from below my elbow through my armpit and down my side to right below my bra line.I am about 4 months out and my arms still swell and ache. That being said I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Take care,
I am 4 weeks out from a TT, anchor incision. I can tell you honestly that my open RNY was a cakewalk compared to the TT. Having a baby was a close second perhaps...I am just now able to sleep on my side (still not on my tummy) and I am so dang TIGHT in my midsection. It is still painful to sneeze, laugh too hard or cough. I cannot stand completely upright yet. This makes it difficult to walk, which is very frustrating...I was doing 3-7 miles every day prior to the surgery, and don't want to get too far off track....but I just can't do it. I am stiff in the morning, and if I sit too long in any one position it is painful to get up and move around. As with anything, every day is a little better..and of course I have no regrets. I just wish I were getting around more.
Ex anchor TT 10/2010
Let me know when it eases up!! I was hoping at 4 weeks!!
I would rather do ANY of those again than go thru my extended TT, scar revision, lipo and breast lift again. Seven months post op and I STILL don't feel "normal".
Marilyn (now in NM)
RNY 10/2/01
(updated March 2012)
on 11/3/10 12:55 am - .., WA
Thanks :)