problems after panniculectomy
Had my panniculectomy done on October 15th, home on the 16th and everything was fine. On the 23rd I had to go to the DR because the site was looking infected. The did a wound culture and I was put on a sulfar form of antibiotic (this was all from my PCP office) called the surgeon that Monday and saw him and he said it looked ok, by Wed. morning was back in the surgeons office.. he cut away all the "dead" stuff...the yellow puss stuff as well as dried skin. Some of this was because my body was draining fluid out of my incisions (drains were already taken out a few days before) I have a hole along the groin line where the incisions meet as well as an area still trying to heal around the belly button. No nurse sent to my house, my stepmom helps me pack my wound every morning. Wednesday afternoon my PCP office called and switched my antibiotic because the strain of bacteria was immune to the first one. By Friday morning the cipro they had me on was causing severe joint pains and spent the day on the phone between the two offices, was told not to take it anymore and the surgeon thought it didnt look infected when he saw me Wed. Was up most of the night last night with stomach issues and still having joint pains. The only thing I have ever needed for pain from the surgery was tylenol but all of this is more painful. Since the 23rd I have had troble eating and drinking as I just have no appetite, very tired etc. Today still feel awful. Anyone have similiar issues? Also now have skin breakdown from the tape (paper tape) so trying to use something else. Hate having to call one office because it seems I get the toss between both.
I'm sorry you are experiencing this complication. I don't have any experience with it so I don't really have any helpful advice to give you. Is your surgeon local to you? I'm not understanding why you aren't just dealing with your surgeon. He/she should be the one doing your post-op care as long as he is local to you. You should not be getting juggled between the two.

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
He is close, just when I originally had the first infection I had to go to my PCPs urgent care and since then it has now more or less been their issue and trying to get it all switched back to the surgeon, but I still get tossed between the two because all the tests have been done within the PCP practice and have to constantly call them to make sure things are sent to the surgeon.
When I had a drain issue after my panniculectomy and went to the ER, they did nothing until they called and spoke with my ps. He directed them over the phone as to what to do, and he told them to have me come into his office that Monday morning for an appointment with "HIM". He's the surgeon and he wanted to take care of my wound issues himself - which is how it should be. I was on track and healing and all was well in no time, thank God! You should not have to speak with two physicians who are giving you different methods of treatment. That's too much for you right now. Your health should be in the hands of your surgeon. Just my little opinion!
I pray that you get better soon, and begin enjoying the wonderful "new you".
I pray that you get better soon, and begin enjoying the wonderful "new you".