Question for FL Renee
OK, went to the PS office today for follow up. I am exactly 15 days out. My arms are almost scab free, but I have to put xeroform gauze on 2 areas on left armpit area that looks to be separating just a bit despite my best efforts at protecting them and pushing protein.
My question is this: I have started putting the Bio-Oil on the parts of the incisions that are really all closed up, but they're still quite tender to pressure. Did this happen to you? I know you said you started it when your surgeon removed the steristrips. How far out of surgery were you by then. My thighs still have intermittent scabs and I am doing Bio-Oil in between the scabs. The tech at the office said I should get the scabs off with H2O2 but I fear the scarring will be worse than by letting them fall off by themselves. Surgeon said I should be careful with doing my own steristrips because of trapping bacteria under, but so far I have only put steri strips across fully sealed scar areas. When will it not hurt to massage the scars? I leave on a cruise on Sunday with my arsenal of wound care equipment (I'm an RN) and instructions for no swimming.
Sorry this is so long....
My question is this: I have started putting the Bio-Oil on the parts of the incisions that are really all closed up, but they're still quite tender to pressure. Did this happen to you? I know you said you started it when your surgeon removed the steristrips. How far out of surgery were you by then. My thighs still have intermittent scabs and I am doing Bio-Oil in between the scabs. The tech at the office said I should get the scabs off with H2O2 but I fear the scarring will be worse than by letting them fall off by themselves. Surgeon said I should be careful with doing my own steristrips because of trapping bacteria under, but so far I have only put steri strips across fully sealed scar areas. When will it not hurt to massage the scars? I leave on a cruise on Sunday with my arsenal of wound care equipment (I'm an RN) and instructions for no swimming.

Sorry this is so long....
Hey Megan
OH my goodness , I havent seen you on the board in forever.. How are you ?
Did you get a revision on your arm and leg scars? I ask because I thought you got that done way back... I need a revision that I am about to get on arms first in about 2 weeks and am wondering if the revison will turn our as the first time around and I will need another one...
I did the Bio oil too but ONLY after all the incicion was healed or closed per my DR .
Have a great trip on your cruise girl .
OH my goodness , I havent seen you on the board in forever.. How are you ?
Did you get a revision on your arm and leg scars? I ask because I thought you got that done way back... I need a revision that I am about to get on arms first in about 2 weeks and am wondering if the revison will turn our as the first time around and I will need another one...
I did the Bio oil too but ONLY after all the incicion was healed or closed per my DR .
Have a great trip on your cruise girl .
Megan ,did your incision widen or just not heal good. Mine on the arms widened and having a revision ...To be honest ,I guess I was dumb as I didnt think I would have to have a couple revisions to get it right. I am learning that lots of people are having to so maybe that is norm ,,,,Just not sure ,,what do you think??
Every time my scars were perfect until a month or two out from surgery. I am making a concerted effort to eat (and drink) extra, extra protein, am taking a multivitamin, and am being careful not to sleep on my side because that is what I think ruined my arm scars last time. So, I guess I'll see if any of that makes a difference.
My surgeon says that the window is 2 months for making strong scars.
He and another PS toold me that arms scar the worst out of any part of the body. I guess because they're so mobile.
My steri-strips were all off after about a week. I first started with polysporin and that really helped to clean away any dried blood and scabs and continued to help the incision to heal. I was probably a month or so out before I started using the bio-oil. You will be very tender at first and you really don't have to massage that much at first. Once the incision starts to heal more it will hurt less and you can start to massage with more pressure.

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
Hope it doesnt make the Mepitape I ordered for you not stick

John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas