panni removal recovery
The muscle part hurts the most. I will most likely NOT be driving in 4 days. I can't imagine have the range of motion to drive that soon with the muscle tightening.
Pubic debulking?? was it lifted? Mine is so... "puffy" for lack of a better term. More details if you don't mind, if so I totally understand.
I'm wondering if thats why I have back pain?? Did it get worse by the end of the day?
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap! she's up!

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
I know others have probably mentioned this but it's extremely important that you tell your surgeon that you want your mons lifted! I have a friend who just assumed it would be taken care of with her panni and she didn't say a word about it. When she woke up, it was still there hanging down - and now it looks like a scrotum. (her words not mine!) She asked him why he hadn't lifted it with her panni and he said, it was extra and she hadn't asked him! Just so that you are clear before you go into the OR - mention it and make sure it's covered!
I told my doctor if I woke up and it was there - he would be in big trouble! He laughed and promised me it would be gone! It is actually the best part of my TT!
12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand.