Just a lift or a lift with implants??

Tonya M.
on 10/17/10 1:03 am
That is awesome that you were able to stay the same size. I had one doctor tell me that I would probably go down to about C cup with a lift, and then the doc I saw this past friday said I would probably be a D cup. I am a DD now, and that is what I want to stay at, but if they are in place where they should be then I think I would be happy with a D, without implants.

But I think I would much rather do a lift first, and then implants later if i am not happy with a lift, versus doing implants right off the bat. 

Thank you for the info!
on 10/17/10 6:36 am - Houston, TX
After all this discussion,  you all are going to be experts on breast PS after WLS !  

Its tough to reconcile the different things you may hear from different PS, but undertsanding the issues can go a long way in helping you do whats best for you. 

Happy Healing
John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas

on 10/17/10 10:17 am - Central, FL
I know you don't like implants and I understand completely why you don't. But, I just have to state as a patient who is thrilled with her implants, I think it's very important that women who go in for PS and choose to get implants understand that future surgeries are very much on the radar. I understood that fact when I made my decision. I know that to have the desired look that I want, an implant will most likely have to be in the equation. I might decide to go smaller when I'm 75...LOL but for now...I just have to say that I love my new boobies!

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

on 10/17/10 11:22 am - Houston, TX
You hit it on the head Renee.  Understanding is the key to satisfaction and well-informed individuals are my most satsfied cleinet ebcause they have realistic expectations.

I once heard a doc who worked with one of the inventors of breast implants (here in Houston !) say "Of all the implants doctors place in the body, breast implants are probably the most unneccessary, have the highest complications, but also the highest satisfaction.

Kinda wierd but true.
John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas

(deactivated member)
on 10/17/10 9:08 pm
Hey Dr L just a quick question... how about I think they call it fat grafting where they take some of the excess fat or tissue they remove from your sides and arm and reposition it in your breasts... Any opinions on this procedure compared to breast implants? BTW thanks for all your insight I have an amazing plastic surgeon but being able to hear a second opinion is always really helpful.
on 10/19/10 10:46 pm - Houston, TX


  I am not yet a big fan of puttinga ll that non-breast fatty tissue into the breast because I worry about it obscuring or affecting future mammography.  I have also not been particularly impressed with the way it looks either, witht he exception of Dr Dennis Hurwitz results.

John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas

(deactivated member)
on 10/24/10 6:11 am
What is that procedure called?

Thank you!

on 10/18/10 8:30 am - Near Media, Pa- South of Philly, NJ
I went from a 48H to a 34C+, and they're great-- with no implant. No foreign body, no lollipop scar, nada. Braless with support tanks in Summer.

 "Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert  Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--  
     Emergency Bowel Repair
6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U.  
 Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 
     Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09  -Dr. Pontell, Media PA  Mastopexy/Massive 
     Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty 
(plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
      6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10
 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500   Start wt: 368   RNY wt: 300  Goal wt: 150   Current wt: 148.2  BMI: 24.7

on 10/26/10 4:41 am - Arlington, VA

I had a breast lift without implants 4 years ago (wow, has it been that long????) and am very happy with my results.  I don't have the upper pole fullness, but I have very naturally shaped breasts and am still happy with the results. 

I can go without a bra, but choose not to - I paid a lot of money to have nice breasts and I want them to last as long as possible! 

Like others have said on here, implants are a personal decision, but don't let the mammography argument scare you.  With or without implants, mammography can be more difficult once you have a simple breast lift - I am a good example.  When I went for my first mammogram post op, I had a rather big scare.  They had a hard time determining if there were issues because I had patches of scar tissue.  I ended up with a breast ultrasound, then a retest 6 months later to confirm.  Now, the radiologist knows to compare the scar tissue areas with my prior mammograms. 

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