Thigh Lift Question (please help...)
Hello there:
First of all, let me introduce myself, since it's the first time I write something: I live far from most of you (Brazil) and I've been a great fan of this website for some months now. I've been reading you girls (and boys) when I have doubts, when I'm sad, when I want to read about some really valuable experiences and when I need some encouragement. You, especially in this forum, have helped me a lot, without knowing it and I'm grateful.
I have lost a lot of weight since 2004 (had a RNY surgery), 4 years later I had a baby (my biggest love) and this year I went through some plastic surgeries: TT, LBA, LBL and the last one: inner thigh lift.
Well, my question about inner thigh lift: I had it about 4 weeks ago and I'm satisfied with the results. I didn't have any drains and my doctor forbidded any garment or bandage (I thought i really weird, but I did what he told me). Instead, I had drainage massages with a physiotherapist 3 days after surgery and I had no swelling during these last weeks.
Everything is ok, except that I can't wear panties (exactly!!) and everytime I go to the bathroom to pee (I hope it's not an insulting word) I actually have to take a shower and use a spray antibiotic.
So I'd like to know when you started to wear panties (God, I miss them and I'll be back to work on monday!!!) and when did you started to pee without washing everything every time you went to the bathroom (I've read about freshet in this forum, but here in Brazil there's no similar product...).
Well: thank you in advance for any help and excuse my long letter and my poor English.
First of all, let me introduce myself, since it's the first time I write something: I live far from most of you (Brazil) and I've been a great fan of this website for some months now. I've been reading you girls (and boys) when I have doubts, when I'm sad, when I want to read about some really valuable experiences and when I need some encouragement. You, especially in this forum, have helped me a lot, without knowing it and I'm grateful.
I have lost a lot of weight since 2004 (had a RNY surgery), 4 years later I had a baby (my biggest love) and this year I went through some plastic surgeries: TT, LBA, LBL and the last one: inner thigh lift.
Well, my question about inner thigh lift: I had it about 4 weeks ago and I'm satisfied with the results. I didn't have any drains and my doctor forbidded any garment or bandage (I thought i really weird, but I did what he told me). Instead, I had drainage massages with a physiotherapist 3 days after surgery and I had no swelling during these last weeks.
Everything is ok, except that I can't wear panties (exactly!!) and everytime I go to the bathroom to pee (I hope it's not an insulting word) I actually have to take a shower and use a spray antibiotic.
So I'd like to know when you started to wear panties (God, I miss them and I'll be back to work on monday!!!) and when did you started to pee without washing everything every time you went to the bathroom (I've read about freshet in this forum, but here in Brazil there's no similar product...).
Well: thank you in advance for any help and excuse my long letter and my poor English.
First off, pee is not an insulting at least not the word. Depending on how you do it, might be - but that's a different website. 
Each ps is going to have his/her own protocol on aftercare. Well not just ps' but all doctors in general. For example my orhto is in a practice with 4 or 5 others and each one has different protocols for the same surgeries. It's personal preference based on each one's experience. So based on what you've read here, sure it may seem weird but it's what your ps wants you to do. So I hope that puts you at some ease. The key thing is that you didn't have any swelling issues or seromas.
As for the panties, I was able to wear them after my surgery provided they were either loose fitting in the legs or if they were thongs. As long as they didn't rub against my groin incisions I was comfortable. Is it your ps who does not want you to wear panties or are they just not comfortable?
As far for the peeing - are you saying that it's messy? Or something your ps wants you to do (shower, etc)? I didn't have issues with mess but because the incisions were in the groin, I used baby wipes when I went to the bathroom to make sure that I didn't end up with some sort of infection. When I would wash up for the day, I used bath wipes similar to what they gave me in the hospital since I wasn't permitted to shower. They're a little more heavy duty than baby wipes. Let me know if you want me to find you links to the products if you need help in finding Brazilian equivalents.
You might want to ask your ps if it's okay to use sterile saline wipes to help with cleaning up since freshet is not available for you.

Each ps is going to have his/her own protocol on aftercare. Well not just ps' but all doctors in general. For example my orhto is in a practice with 4 or 5 others and each one has different protocols for the same surgeries. It's personal preference based on each one's experience. So based on what you've read here, sure it may seem weird but it's what your ps wants you to do. So I hope that puts you at some ease. The key thing is that you didn't have any swelling issues or seromas.
As for the panties, I was able to wear them after my surgery provided they were either loose fitting in the legs or if they were thongs. As long as they didn't rub against my groin incisions I was comfortable. Is it your ps who does not want you to wear panties or are they just not comfortable?
As far for the peeing - are you saying that it's messy? Or something your ps wants you to do (shower, etc)? I didn't have issues with mess but because the incisions were in the groin, I used baby wipes when I went to the bathroom to make sure that I didn't end up with some sort of infection. When I would wash up for the day, I used bath wipes similar to what they gave me in the hospital since I wasn't permitted to shower. They're a little more heavy duty than baby wipes. Let me know if you want me to find you links to the products if you need help in finding Brazilian equivalents.
You might want to ask your ps if it's okay to use sterile saline wipes to help with cleaning up since freshet is not available for you.
Hi Lisa:
Thank you for your answer. Actually, I appreciate all your answers in this forum.
It's not very messy when I pee. By the way: good to know it's not insulting (the word and the 'regular' way we usually do it
The thing is: one little drop or another ended up in the incision area and it made me worried. I questioned him about it and he told me to wash the area with soapex, dry it and then use a spray everytime I go to the bathroom. :/
But tomorrow I'll talk to him about it, since the incisions look more healed. I think the sterile saline wipes is a good option, thank you. Let's see wha he says
as for the panties: he told me not to wear because he didn't want anything pressuring or rubbing the incisions, but tomorrow I'm going to ask him if I can wear those boxers like panties. I never thought I would have this kind of issue after this surgery, but it's ok. Do you mind telling me when did you start wearing 'regular' panties after this surgery? How about tights?
Regarding the garment: he said I can wear it later, when the incisions are totally healed, so I can feel more confotable to walk, drive, etc. Interesting thing is that for the TT, BLA and LBL he told me to wear my garments 24/7, but not this time. Actually I miss to feel compressed. :)
Thank you for your answer. Actually, I appreciate all your answers in this forum.
It's not very messy when I pee. By the way: good to know it's not insulting (the word and the 'regular' way we usually do it

The thing is: one little drop or another ended up in the incision area and it made me worried. I questioned him about it and he told me to wash the area with soapex, dry it and then use a spray everytime I go to the bathroom. :/
But tomorrow I'll talk to him about it, since the incisions look more healed. I think the sterile saline wipes is a good option, thank you. Let's see wha he says
as for the panties: he told me not to wear because he didn't want anything pressuring or rubbing the incisions, but tomorrow I'm going to ask him if I can wear those boxers like panties. I never thought I would have this kind of issue after this surgery, but it's ok. Do you mind telling me when did you start wearing 'regular' panties after this surgery? How about tights?
Regarding the garment: he said I can wear it later, when the incisions are totally healed, so I can feel more confotable to walk, drive, etc. Interesting thing is that for the TT, BLA and LBL he told me to wear my garments 24/7, but not this time. Actually I miss to feel compressed. :)
I was in the hospital overnight and I think I wore panties home the next day. I wore I think a large where now I wear a small. So they weren't tight at all.
When you say tights do you mean like fashion tights/pantyhose/leggings or something more medical-like?
I didn't worry about wearing tights/leggings/pantyhose until I returned to my physical office 4 weeks later. Two weeks later I was able to work from home so I stayed comfy all through that.
When you say tights do you mean like fashion tights/pantyhose/leggings or something more medical-like?
I didn't worry about wearing tights/leggings/pantyhose until I returned to my physical office 4 weeks later. Two weeks later I was able to work from home so I stayed comfy all through that.
Hi, Lisa:
I meant something more fashion but also something like spanx, just to make me more comfortable when I walk, drive, etc (I'll wear garments only when I start exercising again).
Good to know you wore panties next day after you ps. I'll start wearing panties (boxers like panties) tomorrow, as my doctor said it's ok to do so and I really miss them. I hope it wont hurt my incisions or something (they're pretty healed and I want them to keep on healing fine).
I meant something more fashion but also something like spanx, just to make me more comfortable when I walk, drive, etc (I'll wear garments only when I start exercising again).
Good to know you wore panties next day after you ps. I'll start wearing panties (boxers like panties) tomorrow, as my doctor said it's ok to do so and I really miss them. I hope it wont hurt my incisions or something (they're pretty healed and I want them to keep on healing fine).
For my thighs, they were wrapped in ace wraps. But after a week, he decided that I didn't need to wear them because the way the one was messing with my leg. Spanx I didn't worry about until I actually had to be in an office. Although about a week before, I was wearing running tights for compression and especially when I started traveling again.
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 10/12/10 9:10 am
on 10/12/10 9:10 am
Pee is definitely not offensive, and my explanation may be TMI, so forgive me if that's the case.
Do you mean that you make a mess when you pee? I had a tt, lbl and thigh lift 3 weeks ago, and the initial swelling, though slight, being right in my groin made my pee go weird directions when I had to go. As the swelling changed, and subsided, it has normalized.
My surgeon allows me to shower, and even gave me special disinfecting soap, which I'm supposed to use on all incisions at least twice a day. I just make my wash times happen right after I go to the bathroom, and use that soap. I use a hand held sprayer to shower that area. It IS a hassle, but no matter how I clean right now will be.
The panties are bad if they hit any incision, so I have been wearing boy style panties, so no seams on incisions. I will also use my husbands underwear, as they are just boxers, and pretty much just hand from the waist band, and are absorbent cotton with is good for keeping incisions dry.
Do you mean that you make a mess when you pee? I had a tt, lbl and thigh lift 3 weeks ago, and the initial swelling, though slight, being right in my groin made my pee go weird directions when I had to go. As the swelling changed, and subsided, it has normalized.
My surgeon allows me to shower, and even gave me special disinfecting soap, which I'm supposed to use on all incisions at least twice a day. I just make my wash times happen right after I go to the bathroom, and use that soap. I use a hand held sprayer to shower that area. It IS a hassle, but no matter how I clean right now will be.
The panties are bad if they hit any incision, so I have been wearing boy style panties, so no seams on incisions. I will also use my husbands underwear, as they are just boxers, and pretty much just hand from the waist band, and are absorbent cotton with is good for keeping incisions dry.
Girl, you're brave: TT, LBL and thigh lift at once 3 weeks ago? And you seem to be fine, congratulations! 
Well, I'll ask my sp about these boy style panties, I think they're the answer for me. It's awfull to walk around naked down there, especially because I'm not wearing a garment. Not sensual at all. :)
Thank you for your answer.

Well, I'll ask my sp about these boy style panties, I think they're the answer for me. It's awfull to walk around naked down there, especially because I'm not wearing a garment. Not sensual at all. :)
Thank you for your answer.