Lower Body Lift Update: One week out
What a week this has been!
One week ago I went in, thinking I'd have a fleur de lei with lipo of sadddlebags, lbl, and fat injection around tailbone.
I did allow my surgeon to make the decision on what would be needed once he got in there; and I came out with a lbl; lipo and fat injection. I was in surgery 4.5 hours. Before leaving the hospital, the nurse had me throw a leg over, reach and pull, to pull myself up. I heard a "pop". We couldn't tell then where that sound came from.
I came home the next day; and all seemed to go according to the typical after lbl routine.
Then on Tuesday evening, my left hip started peeling away. I had "popped" those sutures. We telephoned the doc at his home, and made arrangements to be in his office the next morning. I was "draining" out of the wound all over the place. He said he hadn't had that happen to him in over 10 years. He stitched me back up, and we also noticed that one of the four drains had worked itself out completely.
So I have three very painful drains today.
I had been on percoset (sp?). I don't normally take meds of any kind. This drug has been great for the pain, and allowing me to sleep; but it has done a number on my mind. Yesterday I went off the perc and onto tylenol only. I felt the pain, had a day of emotional breakdown and crying; and right at this moment, am feeling better.
Thanks to the wisdom gleaned from here, I started on stool softeners right away. I had my first "prize" yesterday. It wasn't difficult to pass, though it wasn't the most comfy either. I couldn't even begin to imagine what folks do who hadn't taken the stool softeners.
I find my restriction is so much more; certainly due to muscle tightening and swelling. I work hard on getting all my water in.
And I have a case of 'roids that are battling with me. Finding a comfortable place or position to sit is very difficult between the 'roids and the lipo.
I do not have to wear a compression garment. I am swollen. They removed 8 lbs of skin; yet I came home 2 lbs heavier. Today I am down 4 lbs from surgery; so light then day of but not down what was removed.
I have lived in bathrobes and my hubby's flannels. I safety pinned the drains to shoestrings around my neck, then to the clothes to keep them from swinging.
I go back to see the surgeon late morning. I pray he removes all the drains; but I suspect I'll come home with one. I pray for the miracle.
sorry so long . . . It's just I figure I'd better post when I have the time and energy.
One week ago I went in, thinking I'd have a fleur de lei with lipo of sadddlebags, lbl, and fat injection around tailbone.
I did allow my surgeon to make the decision on what would be needed once he got in there; and I came out with a lbl; lipo and fat injection. I was in surgery 4.5 hours. Before leaving the hospital, the nurse had me throw a leg over, reach and pull, to pull myself up. I heard a "pop". We couldn't tell then where that sound came from.
I came home the next day; and all seemed to go according to the typical after lbl routine.
Then on Tuesday evening, my left hip started peeling away. I had "popped" those sutures. We telephoned the doc at his home, and made arrangements to be in his office the next morning. I was "draining" out of the wound all over the place. He said he hadn't had that happen to him in over 10 years. He stitched me back up, and we also noticed that one of the four drains had worked itself out completely.
So I have three very painful drains today.
I had been on percoset (sp?). I don't normally take meds of any kind. This drug has been great for the pain, and allowing me to sleep; but it has done a number on my mind. Yesterday I went off the perc and onto tylenol only. I felt the pain, had a day of emotional breakdown and crying; and right at this moment, am feeling better.
Thanks to the wisdom gleaned from here, I started on stool softeners right away. I had my first "prize" yesterday. It wasn't difficult to pass, though it wasn't the most comfy either. I couldn't even begin to imagine what folks do who hadn't taken the stool softeners.
I find my restriction is so much more; certainly due to muscle tightening and swelling. I work hard on getting all my water in.
And I have a case of 'roids that are battling with me. Finding a comfortable place or position to sit is very difficult between the 'roids and the lipo.
I do not have to wear a compression garment. I am swollen. They removed 8 lbs of skin; yet I came home 2 lbs heavier. Today I am down 4 lbs from surgery; so light then day of but not down what was removed.
I have lived in bathrobes and my hubby's flannels. I safety pinned the drains to shoestrings around my neck, then to the clothes to keep them from swinging.
I go back to see the surgeon late morning. I pray he removes all the drains; but I suspect I'll come home with one. I pray for the miracle.
sorry so long . . . It's just I figure I'd better post when I have the time and energy.
Wow, Rhonda, you have really been through it! So glad to hear you are home and through the worst of it. And yes, that restriction really saps the appetite, but try to get your protein and liquids in. I hope you can get rid of those pesky drains when you go. It makes you feel SO much better just to have them out. Take care!
Hi Rhonda...Girrrrrrrl, you have been up and over the hill..Glad to hear your doing better today..I can only imagine how all this affects the emotions...Sending you healing prayers and happy moments as each day passes..You're going to be a SUPER KNOCK-OUT..!!!!
Blessings and thanks for the up-date..keep coming back and posting often..I love reading the ups and downs, as it prepares me and others for the time we have our plastics done..Hoping you have waaaay more ups and very, very few down moments...
Blessings and thanks for the up-date..keep coming back and posting often..I love reading the ups and downs, as it prepares me and others for the time we have our plastics done..Hoping you have waaaay more ups and very, very few down moments...
I'm now home. The doc took all drains out---yea!!! fyi, take maxi pads with you as I dripped, dripped all the way home. I have been released to slow walking as much as I feel I can do. Still on weight restriction.
I forgot to say that if you pop a suture, you are more prone to infection, so I was started on citpro asap. I have three more days of that left.
I got on the scale today at 133.6 I was at 138.8 pre-surgery; and 139.9 the day after. So, the way I figure, if 8 lbs was removed 128 - 129 should be where I end up. Time will tell.
Tonight I will brave the stairs and try sleeping in the bed; and I'm going to stay off the rx and on otc tylenol.
I forgot to say that if you pop a suture, you are more prone to infection, so I was started on citpro asap. I have three more days of that left.
I got on the scale today at 133.6 I was at 138.8 pre-surgery; and 139.9 the day after. So, the way I figure, if 8 lbs was removed 128 - 129 should be where I end up. Time will tell.
Tonight I will brave the stairs and try sleeping in the bed; and I'm going to stay off the rx and on otc tylenol.
truthfully, yes . . . I had buyer's remorse, wondering if the pain is worth it. Again, time will tell. I keep going back to a post prior asking if TT is worth it. I'm trusting all those that have gone before me that it will be. I feel much better now, and I am wearing a pair of panties without them rolling down and under the panni---that is nice.
I've never experienced true physical pain before (my children are adoptees); so I had no plumb line to go by.
I will say that I am exactly one week out, on regular tylenol only; and not on it at all right now.
I'm not comfy, but not excrutiating either. I put dishes in the dishwasher, etc . . . so doable.
I'll be getting in my Tylenol right before bed tonight.
I've never experienced true physical pain before (my children are adoptees); so I had no plumb line to go by.
I will say that I am exactly one week out, on regular tylenol only; and not on it at all right now.
I'm not comfy, but not excrutiating either. I put dishes in the dishwasher, etc . . . so doable.
I'll be getting in my Tylenol right before bed tonight.