Lifestyle lift vs Facelift
a "lifestyle lift" is just a franchise that pushes a type of short scar facelift. That kind of operation can work very well, but only if you don't have much skin excess on your neck. It is not going to be a strong enough operation for a lot of post weight loss folks unless you have very little sagging.
The big issue with these clinics are quality control of who they've hired to perform the procedures. These are usually not very experienced or busy surgeons whom flock to that set up.
The big issue with these clinics are quality control of who they've hired to perform the procedures. These are usually not very experienced or busy surgeons whom flock to that set up.
on the web at Plastic Surgery Specialists
blogging on all things plastic surgery at Plastic Surgery 101
blogging on all things plastic surgery at Plastic Surgery 101
Let me preface with I have not had plastics and know little about procedures in general.
I met a woman at last year's NY OH event who had a lifestyle lift done on her neck and jowl area six months prior. Her complaint was that after the procedure she looked perfect. However, her face is slowly falling back where it was. She looked fine to me but not like someone who had a face and neck lift should around the neck area. She had no jowls that I could see and her jaw looked good.
It was a plastics session and the surgeon explained why lyfestyle lift may not last, but I do not remember the details. He did not say it was temporary but it was enough to take it off the table for me until I can see pics of someone several years out.
I think it would be right for my turkey neck and sagging mid face. For me a do over is not an option. After speaking with the plastic surgeon, a face lift may provide better long term results. Good luck to you.
I met a woman at last year's NY OH event who had a lifestyle lift done on her neck and jowl area six months prior. Her complaint was that after the procedure she looked perfect. However, her face is slowly falling back where it was. She looked fine to me but not like someone who had a face and neck lift should around the neck area. She had no jowls that I could see and her jaw looked good.
It was a plastics session and the surgeon explained why lyfestyle lift may not last, but I do not remember the details. He did not say it was temporary but it was enough to take it off the table for me until I can see pics of someone several years out.
I think it would be right for my turkey neck and sagging mid face. For me a do over is not an option. After speaking with the plastic surgeon, a face lift may provide better long term results. Good luck to you.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
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