Aggressive Thigh Lipo?

on 9/5/10 11:29 am
We spoke of 4-5 liters at the appt, that was how much he said needed to be removed. I took it he was speaking of outer thigh lipo, but that could have been total he was referring to.
He also does the Tumescent or wet lipo, which from my understanding they add alot of fluid into area they're doing. Which means it's actually less fat in that 4-5 liters .
My appt was for my last consult for lbl.w/ outer thigh lipo. I asked him about my thighs, he was just being honest about what I should expect.

on 9/5/10 10:03 am
My LBL didnt do that much for my thighs at all.  I didnt need lipo there.  I think I will need to look at a picture because I dont see any real difference.

on 9/5/10 10:34 am
I'm thinking the aggressive thigh lipo would be best to do first.
Otherwise, if I have the lbl first, Slim waist, hips, butt, till I get to thigh area and they balloon out.
I can handle it now because I have all the loose skin around my midsection and droopy butt. But , after that is all gone what kind of jeans or pants would I find to fit decently?
There definitely would be a huge thigh to waist ratio difference.

Thank you everyone for all the feedback.

on 9/5/10 10:34 pm - Canada
on 9/5/10 1:53 pm
Well, here's my two cents, which probably isn't worth the paper it's printed on.  ;-)  Since you are a serious pear shape, lipo is the only way that you are going to end up being proportionate.  That way, you'll end up being small on top and small on the bottom.  If it were me, I'd do the aggressive lipo first, and trust me, when Dr. R says aggressive, he's not talking about doing anything crazy, he's a little conservative.  The LBL is not going to do a whole lot for lifting your inner thighs but it will help lift the outter thighs, then once you heal from the lipo, schedule the LBL.  By the time you are ready for your inner thigh lift, your lipo will have deflated your thighs sufficiently enough that you'll be good to go without having to worry about excess skin in the thighs. 

If you are going to have any upper body work done, you might want to talk to Dr. R about combining that with your LBL or thigh lift.  Just a thought.

on 9/6/10 7:15 am
Thank you Mary, that seems to make sense to me. It's not like I haven't been living with these thighs all my adult life.
But, not being able to find jeans that fit decently would be a pain.
on 9/10/10 7:49 am - Houston, TX

The real issue is the relative amounts of fat versus loose skin you have:

Lots of fat, not much skin:  wt loss or lipo alone a sskin will probably shrink OK.

Lots of fat, lots of skin: lipo at time of LBL to downsize legs, do thigh lift at stage 2 to "take up slack."

Not much fat, just lots of skin: no lipo, just do LBL then thigh lift.

No excess fat, no excess skin: why are we discussing surgery

John LoMonaco, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas
on 9/10/10 9:28 am
Thank you Dr Lo for your reply. Lots of fat , lots of skin issue here..
I really don't want to have several procedures, I can handle 2.. I figure I've lived with these thighs all my adult life and I'm 53, I just want to be comfortable in my own skin and clothes.

Really appreciate your presence on this forum.
I wi**** were feasible for me to travel to have my plastics done.

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