Breast Lift/Aug vs Breast Lift Only?
Right now I'm planning on lift only, but that depends on how much tissue is left to work with. I'm ok with a small implant, but I don't want anything big. I would love to be a B cup lol; I just don't want them hanging any more! I went from an H to a D so far.
Il faut souffrir pour être belle
Mama to Aleksandar J.B., 11.26.11 <3 Now I know what true love REALLY is! <3
Il faut souffrir pour être belle
"When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be AWESOME instead. True story." -Barney Stinson/Neil Patrick Harris
Mama to Aleksandar J.B., 11.26.11 <3 Now I know what true love REALLY is! <3
I was a D before I lost weight...if he had done just the lift without implants, I wouldn't even be an A cup
Now, I'm a solid D and while I LOVE them, they still don't feel like mine and I really miss running.
I'm hoping this changes soon b/c i've even pondered having the implants removed and being the reigning queen of the Itty Bitty ***** Committee ;(

I'm hoping this changes soon b/c i've even pondered having the implants removed and being the reigning queen of the Itty Bitty ***** Committee ;(
Be happy.
The reason they don't go by cup size is that the filled implant will fill you out differently than the same exact implant in someone else.
Not to mention in the clothing industry a standard fit model for one company can be different than a standard fit model in another company. Then there is just the manufacturing process and pattern differences, etc. Think about jeans - a 10 in one brand can fit you perfect, yet in another will either be too big or too tight.
I'm a walker/runner and went with a 375 cc fill Saline. Now that's it's closer to settled, I'm a D cup and love it. As for sports and working out, a good supportive sports bra is a must - with or without implants.
Not to mention in the clothing industry a standard fit model for one company can be different than a standard fit model in another company. Then there is just the manufacturing process and pattern differences, etc. Think about jeans - a 10 in one brand can fit you perfect, yet in another will either be too big or too tight.
I'm a walker/runner and went with a 375 cc fill Saline. Now that's it's closer to settled, I'm a D cup and love it. As for sports and working out, a good supportive sports bra is a must - with or without implants.
I had a reduction and lift only because I was having issues with my shoulders, back and neck. I was a 34G before and am now a 34B. My breasts are perky and small but they lack the upper slope fullness that you get with implants. My ps showed me implant sizes and had me try them on to see what I thought since I had more skin than tissue. I opted not to get implants when he did the reduction and lift. Right now I am happy with the way my breasts look and I feel like I am finally proportionate. If I change my mind in the future implants are still an option.
Hopefully your ps will have some advice once he determines what you have left; tissue vs skin.
Good luck and take care,
Hopefully your ps will have some advice once he determines what you have left; tissue vs skin.
Good luck and take care,
Thanks for the info! So, implants are always an option down the road if you just get a lift...good to know. Yes, I hope to have a PS consult soon, even though I'm not quite at goal yet, because I know I am going to shop around for surgeons and I have a lot of decisions to make and need lots of time to ponder things.
You're welcome. When I went for my 8 week follow up I tried on some implants just to get an idea of how they might look and I liked the way 250 cc implants looked and was told that they would give me fullness without a huge increase in size. I am reluctant to make any drastic changes because my head still hasn't quite caught with my body and I don't always see myself clearly. I am afraid that if I get implants now I might not like the way I look when/if I can see myself clearly.
Sorry for the rambling and hope you get some concrete answers at your consults.
Sorry for the rambling and hope you get some concrete answers at your consults.