Is this common?
Ok here's the deal.. Had TT last November, and breast reduction / lift in May of this year.. so you would think I would be elated, but I'm not.. now as I walk I focus on my legs which now jiggle and my arms and now my face. WTH.. Why can't I be satisfied with what I had done.. I am so fortunate...My husband says when is this going to end ~ I am 55 and I look better than most 55 year olders out there.. so why am I going crazy with this plastic surgery thing ? Is this common..Am I trying to defy mother nature..I think I need to make a psych appt.. anyway just some thoughts, comments would be appreciated.
Natalie ~

You are not alone. Before my RNY I joined a support group and I would hear all the ladies saying the wanted this done and that done as far as plastics, the whole time I would just sit there and say why can't you be happy with just losing weight when does it end with wanting to change this or that....well fast forward 2 years later and I see what they mean I had a TT in Feb of 09, then just had an arm lift and mons lift a week mom said thats it no more we are tired I said well I make no promises. I tend to feel weird everything is looking great and then I see these thunder thighs and it takes me back to being 500 I understand your point and hubbys but you have to do what is right for you and your cir****tances :)
Karen Be gentle and kind

Lost over 200 pounds
Not skinny by any means but happy by all means :)
Thanks Ladies for the comments.. My PS says the legs are now I am trying to build some muscle .. so it is good to know I am not alone..most( people non wls people) can't understand why I want all these procedures done.. so I try to educate them, but it makes me wonder if I am going overboard with the PS.. I look at my face now at 130 and I dont like what I see but at 150 I look so healthy.. its all psychological I am sure of it.. I am just an average person ... I guess what I am saying I know the aging process is quickly approaching and I am trying to fight it every step of the way.. Is this so wrong?
Thanks again.. Natalie
Thanks again.. Natalie

I'm right there with you.I had my BA and first TT over a year ago, and I was so unhappy with the TT that I went to a different PS and he redid it while also doing the whole 360 LBL. I'm happy with the way my fron torso looks, my butts too flat but at least it's up higher where it's supposed to be. After the pain of this one and the cost I said "I'm done" but now just 3 months later I'm thinking I'd really like to do the inner thighs. Oh, I'm 56 BTW and I keep trying to tell myself that I'm older, I am never going to look young again and I just need to stop. But... you know.
5'4" start weight 233, current 122 lb.
RNY 9/07
TT/BA 3/09
LBL 4/10
RNY 9/07
TT/BA 3/09
LBL 4/10