Underwire bra after BL
I'd like to hear from others in regards to this topic, including any plastic surgeons that post to keep us informed.
Many thanks to all for your input!
God bless,
Wearing anything too tight, will prolong the dropping process which can take up to 3 months. I try and limit my regular bra wear to when I absolutely have to wear a bra. There are some outfits for work where I can actually go braless (LOVE that and I'm roughly a D cup now - love the perk!) At the hotel or around the house I'm wearking a camisol with a shelf bra, nothing or a work out tank that holds the breasts steady while I walk on the treadmill.
I went from a 40/42 DDD (prior to wls) to a saggy 38/36 DD (rolling the tube breast up), to a now wonderful 34/36 C/D cup. I think that I will know better what my size is when I get to that 3 month mark - which is about 5 weeks from now.
I am very, very happy with my looks and size - and yes - absoutely the perkiness! BTW, how long did it take for your scars to smooth and flatten out? What did you use as far as scar preparations?
Thanks for answering and the great advice! :o)
I love my breast size now. Overall, it's just really interesting to see the looks I get from men now versus when I weighed 349 lbs. Last week, I left my hotel room to work out in the fitness center and didn't think about what I had on until I walked past the mirror on the closet door - I had on form fitting bike shorts and a form fitting tank top... totally showed my curves and I felt extremely confident.
The scars around my nipples have always been smooth. The ones under the breasts have been just little ridges and are almost completely gone now.
I either use a silicon based scar cream, bio oil or cocoa butter - whichever I have with me at the time. I forget sometimes to put anything on them. It was easier to remember to put the cream on the scars when I was not working.
Well girl, you take care and enjoy it all!!! :)
Ladies i'm really getting inspired by reading yal's post! My BR/BL is Sept. 15th. When he took pics of my breasts he said my right is larger than my left but after surgery they'll be equal...hmmm THAT i want to see. I'm a 36DD now, after he takes ALL THAT BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD requires him to take i MIGHT be a B cup...i've NEVER HAD SMALL BREASTS IN MY LIFE!! I'm super excited. I pray the healing process is quick. I hope i'm not out of work no more than 4 weeks. I'm having my left ovary removed also....so we'll see. Like i said before i'm just exited bout him using the side fat around my breast...that means no more meat hangin out my bras!!
I do have a question for you. Where is your surgeon going to use the removed side fat? Through my surgeon's technique, he just removed most of mine. I still have quite a bit of swelling still, so it still looks "puffy" in that area right now. He said that it will settle down and shrink in. He will tweek whatever is left over in his office procedure room.
Stay excited girl. Also, I wouldn't think you would need more than 4 weeks off, and that would be due more to the partial hysterectomy procedure being done at the same time. I was off only 2 weeks for my BL and brachio revision. When I had my total hysterectomy 16 years ago, I was off work for 6 weeks. Of course today, recovery time is much faster. :)
Don't worry about the tt. When the timing is right, it will happen. I think I mentioned that I was only approved for a panniculectomy - no tightening of the muscles. I had a lot of lower sking removed. The surgeon (ps certified cosmetic) did a great job. If my abdominal muscles were tighter, it would look like a had a surgical tt. My incision line across my lower abdomin is beautiful and since it's been about 3 years ago, it's virtually invisible. When I put on my spanx, which tightens my thighs and little muffin top, my clothes look so good - if I may say so myself. LOL.
Ok...another question for nosey here. Now why couldn't they have gotten a panniculectomy approved with the breast reduction? Have you not had any problems with irritations or rashes under the skin? I had problems which is why I was approved. And since you're having the partial hys done, seems like it would have been a wrap to catch it all at the same time. Just wondering out loud, and please forgive me if I'm being too nosey and don't feel bad about telling me to mind my own business. Lol...
He didnt even mention a panni. He did say i wouldnt get approved for a tt cause i hadn't complained in the past about rashes, or irritations. Had to be at least a year of complaints and i should have tried at lease a few things before tt to rectify the problem. So once i said i had no complaints he didnt even bother with anything else. I guess i should have told a fib... LOL