Excess calf skin removal?
I just found this forum on OH so haven't gone thru all the recent posts so I apologize if this has already been discussed, but my question is has anyone had anything done with the excess calf skin? I have heard about all the other "lifts" that can be done but not much about the calves so was wondering if anyone has had them lifted or lipo'd??? I'm not there yet but can tell that there will be a baggy bunch o skin on them when I his goal and so I'm just trying to prepare and read up on all the nips and tucks I will want redone and done for the first time. Thanks in advance for any repsonses.
I just found this forum on OH so haven't gone thru all the recent posts so I apologize if this has already been discussed, but my question is has anyone had anything done with the excess calf skin? I have heard about all the other "lifts" that can be done but not much about the calves so was wondering if anyone has had them lifted or lipo'd??? I'm not there yet but can tell that there will be a baggy bunch o skin on them when I his goal and so I'm just trying to prepare and read up on all the nips and tucks I will want redone and done for the first time. Thanks in advance for any repsonses.
Thanks for the reply and information. You are the first person I know of who has had anything done to them. I will heed your advise for sure. I'm thinking I won't need any lipo once I'm at goal but I do think I will be left with saggy skin as I can see it starting already. I will have to research more.
Not sure how many he has done but Dr. Agha in Newport Beach has done a calf reduction (have no clue what it's called) one of the patients he had at a seminar I went to when I FIRST met him had it done. I can't remember if she had any before pictures but that fact that he'd done one I found MOST interesting.
Ms Shell
Ms Shell
It's not a common procedure and I've never seen the results from one. I have heard that the inner thigh lift scar is basically continued on down to the ankle and you end up with a scar that runs the entire length of your inner leg. The lifts are done as 2 separate procedures. I don't think you'll come across very many surgeons that do it or have a lot of experience in doing it. I would want to see several before and after picturesbefore I'd even consider it. I agree with muffin, you can end up with legs that look worse rather than better. I would definitely see how far exercising and weight resistance would take me.

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
Thanks for the reply. Oh, I never thought of the scar running all the way down the leg! I already had a thigh lift and arm lift back in Oct 08 and the scar is nasty for the thigh lift (but the sagging skin was way way worse!!) but I don't think I want one all the way down my leg. I will follow your advice of working at it via excercise and in the meantime research more as I was hoping to find someone who can just tuck it at the back of the knee, kind of like the tuck they do in the armpit for a version of an arm lift.
Anyhow thanks to all you ladies who chimed in and had some info. I really appreciate it!!
Have a great Tuesday,
Anyhow thanks to all you ladies who chimed in and had some info. I really appreciate it!!
Have a great Tuesday,