I Feel Bad About My Neck!
It was high on my list at first. My first surgery was thighs and eyes. I figured I would work in from the top and bottom. As time passes I am less worried about it but it is still something I want. My eyes didn't turn out like they should have and I guess fear is holding me back there. I totally understand because its something you cannot hide.
The loose skin on my neck really made me look older, along with the sagging cheeks. It made a huge difference in my profile after having the neck/face lift. I love my results. It makes perfect sense to me to be so concerned. Your face is the first thing people look at. Best of luck to you!

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
I think you should fix whatever bothers you most. There have been plenty of women who work on their face first because that is what bothers them most and that is what everyone sees first. You can cover your tummy but not your face! Do what will make you the happiest.
Duodenal Switch - July 2006
Baylor Residency Program - Houston, TX - June 2009/March 2010
Baylor Residency Program - Houston, TX - June 2009/March 2010