Now I am scared to death.

I have conducted research since having my RNY, but I still am worried about the pain level. Only because I have no family here in Indy and my children are back in school. I have been reading post about things I should have and do, but want to be certain. I have been thinking about renting a lift chair for the first two weeks. That way I won't have an issue getting up while they are gone. And also make sure I have things I need within reach so I don't have to do any extensive reaching. Is there anything else you guys would suggest I do in preparation of being alone the majority of the day?
Also my PS stated he would stitch together the upper muscles. I have been thinking is this almost a complete tumy tuck by him doing that. I know most people state they had their muscles pulled and tighten. Just wondering if this is what is considered tightening of the muscles by sewing the mid-section together. I will be sure to ask when I return to him.
If anyone has any suggestions or comments they are greatly appreciated, as you guys have been my encouragement thus far.
Honestly it is (in my case with my TT) painful, but you will be given meds for the pain and if you for the first few days stay on schedule with the pain meds it is very managable.
I would ask a friend or neighbor to sit with you while the kids (I am assuming they are older kids here) are at school. You really don't need to be alone for the first week. For me after the first 5 days I felt much better, but didnt feel comfortable being alone, so my Mom came up so Hubby could go back to work.
I would ask a friend or neighbor to sit with you while the kids (I am assuming they are older kids here) are at school. You really don't need to be alone for the first week. For me after the first 5 days I felt much better, but didnt feel comfortable being alone, so my Mom came up so Hubby could go back to work.

I MY RNY 5-5-09
Life is Good
Congrats! I pray i'm approved...i go see a ps on the 17th..i'm going to have my left ovary removed and i wanted to have a tt done at the same time. Him and my obgyn have worked together before i just need to get it approved with bluecross blueshield...also NEED a breast reduction from DD to C or even a B....may i ask who is your carrier and how long did your approval take?
Blue Cross/Blue Shield is my carrier and my approval was less than 48 hours. My RNY approval was the same. I believe it is up to the nurse that prepares the documentationfor them. My friends hav the same carrier through the same carrier. They have been asking for more documentation and then were denied.
My OB/GYN was also willing for me to have my tummy tuck at the same time as my partial hys, but I went lap for the removal of my uterus. I know they do them together but I was told it is usually self pay for the tummy thats why they combine it so you are not paying for everything.
Are you seeking approval for a TT or Panni removal. BC/BS does not cover TT at all they consider them cosmetic. A panni can be determined medically necessary and then it is up to the doctor to tighten muscles. That is what my doc is willing to do but not to the extreme that a TT would be.
My OB/GYN was also willing for me to have my tummy tuck at the same time as my partial hys, but I went lap for the removal of my uterus. I know they do them together but I was told it is usually self pay for the tummy thats why they combine it so you are not paying for everything.
Are you seeking approval for a TT or Panni removal. BC/BS does not cover TT at all they consider them cosmetic. A panni can be determined medically necessary and then it is up to the doctor to tighten muscles. That is what my doc is willing to do but not to the extreme that a TT would be.
I was actually considering a TT because i didnt know anything about the panni....i want all this hanging flab and my muffin top gone...i was gon inquire about a breast reduction as well THAT is needed..my breast always sore from hangin so much...LOL i'm hoping it can be justified for approval. Does the panni get rid of the hangin flab and muffin top..in other words does it make you flat?
I just wanted to offer that IF you must be alone, you WILL be okay. I stayed in a different level of my house from teh rest of my family for the first 5 days after my circumferencial lower body lift...cut ALL the way around, with muscles tightened. Only time I needed help with ANYTHING was putting my garment back on after a shower. I only took the pain meds I needed, tapered after day three, and went out to lunch on day 5 with a friend for about 3 hours. Was super tired when I got home after that.
While there IS pain, I was able to get myself up and down out of a recliner, slowly and carefully, use the restroom, etc...I just made sure what I needed was close by. (drinks, snacks, pain meds, restroom, phone, etc...)
Best wishes to you and congrats!!!
While there IS pain, I was able to get myself up and down out of a recliner, slowly and carefully, use the restroom, etc...I just made sure what I needed was close by. (drinks, snacks, pain meds, restroom, phone, etc...)
Best wishes to you and congrats!!!

openRNY 4/04