I had FDL TT 7/12. I go for checkup with my surgeon tomorrow, and he said last week that he might remove 1 of the drains on that visit. Mine are both averaging 30 cc output a day, one darker than the other. While I can't wait for them to be gone, I don't want them out too early, either, because then that fluid might build up or seep out ... yuck ! I'll deal with the drains as long as I have to to avoid that. I'll try to remember to come post another reply after that visit tomorrow and update you with whether he removed 1 or both or neither and what he says. If I forget, drop me a note and remind me, k?

See my YouTube vlogs here: http://www.youtube.com/user/LiLtinee
Add me as a friend on Facebook: Dena Waskiewicz
Starting weight: 297 / Goal weight: 140's / Current weight: 138-143
Lap RNY 3/12/2007 ~ Fleur-de-Lis tummy tuck 7/12/2010
I certainly will!!! I am doing about the same. At 5:50 am this morning I had 20cc and 40cc
at 9:15 pm, I had 20cc and 30cc. So.. please let me know if the cover the wound from where the drains were inserted. I swear these are antennas!!
at 9:15 pm, I had 20cc and 30cc. So.. please let me know if the cover the wound from where the drains were inserted. I swear these are antennas!!
Don't say anything unkind, untrue, or unnecessary.
Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith ...
it is the price of love.
My followup went well! He asked me which drain was bothering me the most, and I told him which one (which happened to be the one putting out less drainage), and that's the one he pulled. It felt GREAT after it was out -- that stitch was driving me nuts there. He said it may ooze a little and he put a folded up 4x4 and paper tape over it. He said I could get rid of the other drain in a few days to a week -- I go back to see him next Tuesday again. The target is to have less than 30 cc of drainage/day from it before he'll pull it. That's what I've been averaging out of each drain, anyway, but without the other drain in this one may pick up the slack. Time will tell!
So far, it's been SO much easier to keep up with just one drain! But I'll be happy when it gets pulled out, too!
And..........drumroll...........I got the permission to shower finally! YAY! lol
So far, it's been SO much easier to keep up with just one drain! But I'll be happy when it gets pulled out, too!
And..........drumroll...........I got the permission to shower finally! YAY! lol

See my YouTube vlogs here: http://www.youtube.com/user/LiLtinee
Add me as a friend on Facebook: Dena Waskiewicz
Starting weight: 297 / Goal weight: 140's / Current weight: 138-143
Lap RNY 3/12/2007 ~ Fleur-de-Lis tummy tuck 7/12/2010