TriCare and breast reduction/lift?
Has anyone gotten TriCare to pay for breast reduction/lift surgery? And if so what was the process like for you.
I paid for my Maxi TT and Upper Arm lift myself, but I am finding that my back is hurting more from the heavyness of my breasts. Not to mention they hit my new belly button YUCK. Hubby is retiring with his 20 yrs and we just cant go into more debt, so self pay for boob's is not happning.
I paid for my Maxi TT and Upper Arm lift myself, but I am finding that my back is hurting more from the heavyness of my breasts. Not to mention they hit my new belly button YUCK. Hubby is retiring with his 20 yrs and we just cant go into more debt, so self pay for boob's is not happning.

I MY RNY 5-5-09
Life is Good
I had a breast reduction/lift in 2002 that Tricare paid for. I had documented cervical (neck) degeneration and "grooves" from the bra straps from the heaviness of the breasts. I also complained of back pain. My primary sent a referral to tricare, I had the consult and a month later I had perky smaller breasts. I find it's all in the way the PS writes the letter to Tricare and the pics they send with the letter.
Unfortunately for me, I gained a lot of weight (but the breasts didn't get bigger) and had the RNY in 08. I've subsequently lost 100 pounds and my perky boobies are no longer perky and in desperate need of a refill
and I don't think Tricare will pay for a refill!! So, that's why I'm on the PS board looking for a PS in Arizona that I can afford. If not, Mexico, here I come!
It's definately worth it to get the referral from Tricare, I paid a whopping 12 dollars for my reduction!
I had a breast reduction/lift in 2002 that Tricare paid for. I had documented cervical (neck) degeneration and "grooves" from the bra straps from the heaviness of the breasts. I also complained of back pain. My primary sent a referral to tricare, I had the consult and a month later I had perky smaller breasts. I find it's all in the way the PS writes the letter to Tricare and the pics they send with the letter.
Unfortunately for me, I gained a lot of weight (but the breasts didn't get bigger) and had the RNY in 08. I've subsequently lost 100 pounds and my perky boobies are no longer perky and in desperate need of a refill

It's definately worth it to get the referral from Tricare, I paid a whopping 12 dollars for my reduction!
Denise -
Call the medical schools in your area and see if they have a reduced cost resident training program. I know Arizona is a fer piece from Texas but there is a program at Baylor. I have also confirmed programs at Tulane in New Orleans, University of Chicago and University of Kansas. I know there are other programs as well.
Call the medical schools in your area and see if they have a reduced cost resident training program. I know Arizona is a fer piece from Texas but there is a program at Baylor. I have also confirmed programs at Tulane in New Orleans, University of Chicago and University of Kansas. I know there are other programs as well.
Good to know thanks.
I have a friend who PCS'ed for Sill who had it done before she left, but it was a few years back.
I have an awesome PCM so I will ask him to put in the referal and if that does not pan out my surgeon is back from deployment and I am setting up an apt to see him in Aug, I am sure he will do it for me.
Good luck finding an affordable solution to your bewbies!
I have a friend who PCS'ed for Sill who had it done before she left, but it was a few years back.
I have an awesome PCM so I will ask him to put in the referal and if that does not pan out my surgeon is back from deployment and I am setting up an apt to see him in Aug, I am sure he will do it for me.
Good luck finding an affordable solution to your bewbies!

I MY RNY 5-5-09
Life is Good