How did you feel about your body?
I did not have a LBL, I did not want one for many reasons(#1 being I am almost 44 and a saggy butt and thunder thighs are my badge of honor or some BS like that)
I had the money to do whatever I wanted, but I chose a Maxi TT and Upper Arm life, because I HATED my panni (been draggin it around since I was 16 after baby #1) and my arms. SO those are what I fixed.
I am still getting used to the new way I look, and I still find myself feeling for the saggy parts that are not there.
It is a bit surreal when my daughter who is 19 calls me skinny (I am used to being the fattest person in the family) and my folks say I am small.
I am still in the process of wrapping my head around the new me..
I will say I never was one to be ashamed/embarressed of my body no matter the size, but I sure like the smaller package a lot!
Good luck to you!!

I MY RNY 5-5-09
Life is Good
I have had my surgery done and I am very happy. My body is still not like some Hollywood starlet, but it just looks nice and normal now. Plus, when I can hit the gym again, I know it will improve even more.
Good luck - but don't have unrealistic expectations!
- First round of plastics in April of 2007: Breast reduction, brachioplasty, tummy tuck
- Second round of plastics in June of 2010: Back lift, thigh lift, revision of brachioplasty scars

Ya so I had my Panni removed not a full tt so alittle dissapointed but that 6 pounds of hanging skin is GONE forever...Gone...and I had a Breast reduction lift and went from 44DD to 38C and love love love my small boobies. and that was another 3 pounds cut off so a totall of 9 granted I'm still swollen and my surgeon said I should get smaller as time goes on..Granted only 4 weeks ago I had the do what you want to do to feel better about yourself..lets face it we will never be VictoriaSecret models...but lets atleast feel good about our own bodies ! cause it all we have so hug yourself and Love yourself !
Hugs Despinasdream xo