A question for those who did mid journey plastics..
This is a very individualized decision I make with each patient. If there are areas of fat (especially the upper abdomen) that are going to remain, and negatively affect the cosmetic result, I won't offer the surgery until after further weight loss.
I am not one to say "no surgery until you are at goal weight" because I essentially don't believe that the scale is the ultimate measure of success (its just a convienient number.)
Some of you may remember back in 2005 when there was an individual who was not at goal who went in for 20 liters of liposuction. I questioned that as the best course of action, and got flame broiled by some other random poster for being unsupportive and casting the patient as a failure. It was spicy !
So the best answer is that it's an individual decision between patient and their PS, and that PS is best for patients who are close to their long term weight goal.
Plastic Surgery
Houston, Texas