TT & Breast Lift - So Far, Buyers Remorse.
Ok so here is my story...I am 6 years post op Open RNYdone 2004. Panni removal done in 2006. Panni looked good but I was not satisfied of where my belly button ended up (bikini line) and not pleased with the huge tire left around my middle. I had both of my surgeries through my HMO (Kaiser So California). So I decided this year to get a full tummy tuck and a breast lift. I stayed with Kaiser as I received a discount because I had an incarcerated hernia which needed to be repaired at the same time. I had my surgery on Saturday, April 3rd 2010 as an outpatient at Kaiser West LA. Total cost out of pocket with discounts = $10,975 for both Abdominoplasty and Breast Lift. I had the anchor cut (upside down T)on my tummy and the same on my breasts. After 2 weeks, my surgeon realized that he didn't cut enough of my middle section off and I still had a bulge right under my breasts. He decided to do a revision immediately to cut more off and to revise the hernia that popped out again. This revision surgery I think was a mistake so soon after the first one. So on April 22nd, 2010.. I go back under the knife. I kept the new drains in for about a week and then they were removed. After a few days from revision, I started to develop open wounds (necrosis) under the breasts from the scars.These wounds are painful and take forever to heal. After a week, the drains are removed. Then a few days after that, I was told I had a seroma under my breast like where the hernia was. It filled up with fluid and one day when I was at work visiting my high school classroom, the fluid squirted out like a pimple and I made a bloody mess all over me. Thank God the school nurse cleaned me up and advised me to go to urgent care. The next day my plastic surgeon made another hole and suctioned me out with a vacuum and added another drain. I still have the drain in today and wont get it removed for another week. The drain hasnt been working well cuz it wasn't sewn in tight so on Monday, he sewed me up REAL tight to get better suction. Uggg! This hurts like a "mutha" now. For now, I have "buyers remorse" and I am regretting that I actually elected to do this to my body. Thank God I have 100% disability from work. This Saturday will be 8 weeks since first surgery and I'm not any better. I'm still walking hunched back, still have a drain, still in a lot of pain, still have open wounds, still on pain meds, barely driving, I have anxiety, boredom and a lil bit of self pity. I am blessed to have lots of friends from OH that have come to help me, call me, drive me, and cheer me up. This whole experience has been a nightmare for me and I keep hearing, "be patient, it will pay off." I look forward to that day when I'm happy. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Hey you....WOW! Haven't seen you around in ages. What ever happened to you??? My Dr is willing to do some scar revisions and touch ups in about a year which is included in my fees. I am fortunate that he is willing to step up to the plate and offer anything to do to correct things. I do look 100% better than before and a total of 12 lbs were removed. I went from a size 16 to a 12 in a day.
Best Wishes

While I didn't go thru anything as awful as you (I had a typical recovery), at one point I too was feeling like CRAP and wondering what the hell I had done to myself! That feeling did eventually pass.....and yours will too, once your healing is on the right path.
I will remember you in my positive thoughts on this day and hope for a straight path to recovery~~with no more bumps~~ for you!
Marilyn (now in NM)
RNY 10/2/01
(updated March 2012)
I am so sorry your going threw this mess..That surgeon didn't do very well the first freaking time. I'd be pissed..I will pray that all heals well, You'll get better make sure you rest... make sure you have plenty of protein and they say it helps heal you..also have your calsium..I'm having my Panni removal and breast lift reduction tuesday & wednsday this week comming I pray I don't have any compilcation...Hugs Despinasdream xo
I can totally understand your buyers remorse. Even when our recovery is ideal we all tend to get a little depressed and wonder what we have done to our bodies. There have been a few people on here who have had to deal with wound vacs and all types of healing problems and are doing great now. Keep your chin up and know that it will get better with time. You are so lucky to have 100% disability because so many do not. I hope things improve for you and that this will be the end of that bumpy road!
Take care,
Baylor Residency Program - Houston, TX - June 2009/March 2010