Ack.. I had my consult today!!
If it's not too far out of your way, I think it's worth scheduling an appt. Even if it's to educate yourself on the program and to get quotes. At Baylor you can have surgery with just the attending surgeon and the cost is higher than using the resident program. I know even with the attending surgeon as your surgeon it's cheaper than private practice.
Duodenal Switch - July 2006
Baylor Residency Program - Houston, TX - June 2009/March 2010
Baylor Residency Program - Houston, TX - June 2009/March 2010
I don't know if you'd wanna go further out of state but Dr. Charles Hermann has a practice with two offices, one in the Poconos and one in Manhattan. I believe if you use the one in Manhattan they have a payment program you can use. I know folks that have used him from the PA board and I've seen their results and they are beautiful. One friend had the TT and BL or BA with her own fat (not sure which). She got part of the TT covered by insurance and paid the rest herself. I know RT airfaires from Providence to Philly are cheap so maybe that's another option?
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
Ok America..............which is worse?
Big, fat, enormous, obese people...........................or thin people being forced to wear blankets and blankets of hanging, sagging skin from losing all that weight you have been complaining about?!
Life is so unfair..............
Big, fat, enormous, obese people...........................or thin people being forced to wear blankets and blankets of hanging, sagging skin from losing all that weight you have been complaining about?!
Life is so unfair..............

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!
I think she was just commenting on how obese people are ridiculed for being obese by society and when we are proactive to change we are still stuck in something that society cannot accept and it is very difficult to overcome obstacles (ie costs of plastics) to have normalcy.
I do not think it was supposed to make anyone upset...
I do not think it was supposed to make anyone upset...
Thanks Johanna.
I didn't mean anything negative about it at all. It just makes me annoyed at how society stresses weight loss on everyone, regardless if it is done surgicly or not. When insurance companies cover WLS, then they don't cover the skin's not fair! Skin removal and body lifts should be included with the WLS proceedure. Excess hanging skin can also cause medical complications like infections and stuff, just like being obese causes medical complications. I didn't mean for my comment to upset anyone. Perhaps I worded it wrong. I appologize to anyone who may take offense to it.
Bottom's not fair struggling through obesity, and it's not fair struggling with excess skin once the weight is lost. And for insurance companies to only cover half of the job...........well, it's not fair!!!!!
I didn't mean anything negative about it at all. It just makes me annoyed at how society stresses weight loss on everyone, regardless if it is done surgicly or not. When insurance companies cover WLS, then they don't cover the skin's not fair! Skin removal and body lifts should be included with the WLS proceedure. Excess hanging skin can also cause medical complications like infections and stuff, just like being obese causes medical complications. I didn't mean for my comment to upset anyone. Perhaps I worded it wrong. I appologize to anyone who may take offense to it.
Bottom's not fair struggling through obesity, and it's not fair struggling with excess skin once the weight is lost. And for insurance companies to only cover half of the job...........well, it's not fair!!!!!

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!